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World Animation Day

Since 2003, at the initiative of the International Animated Film Association (ASIFA)every October 28th the World Animation Day. This date corresponds to the commemoration of the first public screening of animated films.


This event was carried out in 1892 by the pioneer of French cinema, Charles-Émile Reynauden at the Grévin Museum in Paris (France). Place where the Luminous Pantomimes were projected, a program that included the films: Poor Pierrot, Clown and his dogs and a good beer.

Who was Charles-Émile Reynaud?

This pioneer of French cinema invented and patented the Optical Theater, a sophisticated system of lenses and mirrors that made it possible to project animated images on the screen. That is to say, his inventions allowed better and higher quality in the movement of images.

He also managed to have his projections synchronized with music, as well as give him some sound effects. Their work, in short, made it possible to project cartoons on a large screen for a large audience.

The Luminous Pantomimes

After creating the Optical TheaterReynaud projects his first three stories, framed under the title The Luminous Pantomimes. The musical background was in charge of Gaston Paulin and was premiered at the Grévin museum that year, 1892.

The presentations were a tremendous success, and the public’s acceptance was so great that twelve performances had to be held per day. Furthermore, due to its success, the show continued for two consecutive years. You can see part of these animations in the following video:

In 1894, Reynaud resumed his duties with two new stories: Dreamed by the fire and around a cabin. However, in a short time, viewers eager for something new paid attention to the invention of the Lumiére brothers: The cinematographer. Thus ending the interest in the Optical Theater.

A story in the history of cinema

With the arrival of cinema, the Optical Theater fell into decline, so the Grévin Museum The contract with Reynaud ended in 1900. The inventor, for his part, did not give up on continuing to create, so he ventured into the field of cinema with the films: Guillermo Tell and Le premier cigare, then he continued with other initiatives.

Unfortunately, he fails and spends a very good part of the capital earned with Las Pantomimas Luminosas. In desperation he breaks his equipment with a hammer and throws a number of film strips into the Seine River.

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He would end up years later, in a hospice, abandoned and poor.

Everyone celebrates Animation

Many countries join this celebration, which becomes a favorable space to strengthen cultural initiatives in the field of animation.

In the streets, universities, theaters and cinemas we can find a wide variety of activities for the enjoyment of the public: animation awards, screenings of short films, conferences, workshops, video game days, animated feature films, previews of animated films, readings, cinema to open sky and many others.

Let’s celebrate this day by paying tribute to the man who with his talent, ingenuity and creativity managed to start one of the most important entertainments of humanity, animated cinema.

Don’t forget to share with the hashtag #DiaMundialdelaAnimacion.

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