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Mnangagwa, Chiwenga battle lines drawn

Headline: Deepening Divisions Emerge at <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/election-controversy-zimbabwean-president-emmerson-mnangagwa-wins-second-term-amidst-dispute/" title="Election Controversy: Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa Wins Second Term Amidst Dispute”>ZANU-PF Conference

The recent ZANU-PF conference, held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, has laid bare the deepening divisions within the ruling party as factions strategize for the potential succession of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. The atmosphere was tense, punctuated by incidents of exclusion and allegations of underhanded tactics aimed at consolidating power ahead of the looming political transitions.

Tensions at the ZANU-PF Conference

As the conference commenced on Friday, significant rifts within ZANU-PF became glaringly apparent. Officials aligned with Vice President Constantino Chiwenga were reportedly barred from attending the event, fueling concerns about loyalty within the party hierarchy. The Mnangagwa loyalists seized a pivotal moment, pushing through a controversial resolution to amend the party’s constitution, a move aimed at potentially extending the 82-year-old leader’s tenure beyond 2028.

This strategic maneuver has ignited fierce backlash from Chiwenga’s faction, which is eagerly positioning itself for leadership. The internal conflict escalated quickly, with reports emerging of Harare provincial executives, closely aligned with Chiwenga, being forcibly removed from the event. Notable figures among those expelled included the provincial youth league commissar Kudakwashe Damson and secretary for lands Eddie Ringwa, illuminating the depth of factional strife.

Allegations of Coercion and Conflict

The atmosphere turned increasingly contentious as it was alleged that some party officials attempted to incentivize delegates to undermine Chiwenga’s influence. These allegations arose particularly against the backdrop of resistance to the "ED2030" campaign, with Chiwenga notably refraining from endorsing slogans calling for Mnangagwa’s prolonged governance until 2030 during his address.

Kudakwashe Damson’s situation exemplified the punitive measures utilized during the conference, with reports indicating he was stripped of his official vehicle prior to his expulsion—a move that signals the party’s commitment to maintaining control and loyalty.

Divergent Views on Constitutional Amendments

While the attempt to eliminate term limits was officially endorsed, ZANU-PF Secretary for Legal Affairs Patrick Chinamasa noted that Mnangagwa has communicated his unwillingness to entertain the constitutional changes. "His Excellency is emphatic that when 2028 comes, he will not serve beyond that date," Chinamasa stated, highlighting the internal contradictions that mark the party’s current landscape.

Adding his perspective, former Foreign Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi expressed skepticism toward the sincerity of the leadership’s declarations. He suggested that the push for a 2030 agenda is a calculated orchestration intended to solidify Mnangagwa’s hold on power while managing the fraught dynamics between competing factions.

Expert Warnings and Predictions

Legal and constitutional experts have weighed in on the dangers surrounding the push for constitutional amendments. Tendai Biti warned that pursuing a third term could plunge Zimbabwe into chaos, remarking, "For Emmerson to contribute to that and reverse history… he is setting himself up for a disastrous hurricane." Lovemore Madhuku voiced similar concerns, asserting that any constitutional amendment aimed at removing term limits is unlikely to be feasible.

Political analysts, including Eldred Masunungure, perceive the resolution as more of a bargaining tool in the shifting power dynamics rather than a concrete plan. "This is not just a party matter; the military has a strong vested interest in how the issue is settled," he noted, indicating that military influence is a decisive factor in the factional wrangling.

Implications for ZANU-PF and Zimbabwe’s Future

The ED2030 agenda, seeking to project continuity of leadership, has garnered little enthusiasm—a fact that underscores deeper uncertainties within ZANU-PF as factions clash over the party’s direction. As the political landscape shifts, these divisions could have profound implications, not just affecting party solidarity but also shaping the narrative leading into the next election cycle.

The confrontations and strategic moves observed during this conference could resonate well beyond party lines, potentially signaling a period of unrest or recalibration as factions jockey for power. The stakes are high, and as Zimbabwe approaches another pivotal election, the internal struggles within ZANU-PF may dictate not only the party’s future but the nation’s trajectory as well.

Join the Conversation

As these developments unfold, we welcome your thoughts and insights on the ongoing political landscape within ZANU-PF. How do you perceive the implications of this internal conflict for the future of Zimbabwean leadership? Share your views in the comments section below!

For further context, you can read this related article about previous political shifts within Zimbabwe’s leadership.

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