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the Doctor screws Concettino and social media is furious

In the episode of October 27th the competitor changes strategy at the last minute, but the web also gets angry with Pasquale Romano: what happened on Rai Uno

Rosanna Ilaria Donato

Web Content Editor

Graduated in Media Languages, I have been dedicated to the world of entertainment for 10 years. I worked as a freelance web content editor for various publications.

In the new episode of Your businessconducted by Stefano De Martino on Rai 1 Sunday 27 October 2024to challenge the Doctor is Little conceptcompetitor from the Abruzzo region, who works as a factory worker – he is a construction machinery maintenance worker – and plays with pack number 4 flanked in the studio by wife Adele. “We were introduced to mutual friends and she told me: ‘Look, it’s not the first time they’ve introduced us’“, says the competitor, and the host takes the opportunity to make a joke: “You started off really well…“. Then Adele arrives and explains: “They introduced us repeatedly and he didn’t remember that we already knew each other. Then he invited me for his birthday to an aperitif with his friends…” The couple has two daughters. Let’s see together what happened during the episode of October 27th Your business.

Affari Tuoi, episode 27 October 2024: what happened

The couple starts the game from the package of the new entry, immediately dispelling the myth: there are 0 euros. “We must invoke the gluteus maximus which looks down on us“, says De Martino, and in doing so they eliminate the 5 thousand euros. Then the competitor explains: “We like traveling on two wheels, so for us this won’t be just any game, but a trip to Italy to visit our friends“. Too bad that in the next two packages there are 200 thousand and 100 thousand euros: “We understand that now she chooses…“, jokes Concettino after having called the two important parcels. De Martino approaches him and takes him away from the gaming table to leave all the space for Adele: she calls the 15 thousand euros, he the 30 thousand, but on the board there are still the 300 thousand euros. Doctor, after 6 shots, offers 20 thousand euros: “It’s one thing to see them from there and another thing to have them in your hand, but we haven’t finished the tour of Italy yet. Sure, we had some problems in between, but we refuse and move on“, says the competitor before (finally) finding a low figure. With the next call the couple also loses the 50 thousand euros, but then finds the 75 euros.

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At this point the Doctor offers the exchange: “We don’t have favorite numbers, because they belong to everyone. Sometimes the numbers are self-explanatory, but we don’t want to clarify the meaning now. Let’s keep the 4“, says the competitor after asking theWolf’s opinionmaking fun of the fact that, coming from Abruzzo, he has an excellent relationship with wolves. De Martino catches up Pierluigi Lupo among the studio audience and the man becomes the protagonist of a gaffe: “Among other things in the Abruzzo National Park there is the Marsican wolf!” Concettino however points out to him: “That’s the Marsican Bear“. The whole studio bursts into laughter, but the man defends himself: “It was a joke!“. The host, however, doesn’t agree: “I would leave after this fool… thinks…” In the end Lupo advises not to change the package, and then Concettino and his wife find the 20 euros and, unfortunately, the 75 thousand euros. The Doctor’s new offer is 15 thousand euros. “As long as I have petrol we keep going“, comments the competitor, therefore refusing the check.

Immediately afterwards even the dream of 300 thousand euros vanishes and on the board, as regards the red parcels, only 10 thousand and 20 thousand euros remain. Luckily a couple of lucky shots arrive and Pasquale Romano’s new offer is 5 thousand euros, but Concettino wants to finish the tour of Italy and therefore Adele chops the check. Now at stake are the 200 euros, the 10 thousand and the 20 thousand and De Martino says: “Let’s invoke the gluteus maximus because we need it right now“. In the next package they find the 10 thousand euros, so we play until the end with 200 euros and 20 thousand euros, and the Doctor’s proposal is the exchange.”When I found the 4 I thought about our family, there are 4 of us. We gave it meaning on the run. The 19 instead it is the date of birth of the firstborn, therefore it’s the day we became mom and dad, a family“.

The couple accept the exchange and leave number 4 for package 19. “Victory is already being here!“, declares Adele, with Concettino who is moved when she talks about the wonderful experience her husband had on the game show, thanking everyone. In package number 19 there are the 200 euros in gold tokens. “The Doctor played hardball until the end. Someone said: ‘Is the journey or the destination more important?’ Someone replied: ‘The company!’ We hope to see you soon to have a nice barbecue in the Doctor’s face“, thus Stefano De Martino closes the match, also wishing all the best to Concettino’s family.

The Social Controversy

Like every evening, after the live broadcast of Your businessthere is no shortage of social media controversy on the choice of change the package in the grand finale: “So you learn to change“, “Well, I said that they shouldn’t change… the doctor never wants to help them… and I would like to understand how they always fall for it… well…“, “Another one that changes senselessly, in the end. Meh!“, “They kept them if they didn’t change“. Someone then takes it out on him Pasquale Romano: “But what happened to the Doctor? He became very bad“, “Cruel to the end doctor“. Also, a user on X notes: “Abruzzo has still never won since Stefano has been here“. Other viewers instead write: “But why don’t the nice ones or the old guys ever let them win? I’m already scared for Santino“, “Good people always end up like this! I hate this show“.

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