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Terni, Lorella Antonini, first female president of the Ferriera social centre

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Changing of the guard at the Ferreira social centre, Lorella Antonini is the new president. Fabio Catterini is vice president, the treasurer is Augusta Gambi and the secretary is Attilio Piersanti, who led the social centre, based at the Polis of Cospea, until the election of the new board of directors.


The councilors are Massimiliano Natali, Giampiero Porzi, Rossella Olivieri and Roberto Pizzotti.

«I am leaving the presidency because I believe it is appropriate for there to be a generational change and I am happy that for the first time there is a woman leading the Ferriera Social Center», says Attilio Piersanti.

The new management says it is working in the name of continuity, promoting and carrying forward the activities that characterize the Centre: after-school care for boys and girls guaranteed by volunteers, gentle gymnastics, yoga and dance courses, theater at open and meetings on current issues particularly felt by citizens. The one promoted by Adoc Umbria took place a few days ago with the participation of the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Terni dedicated to the prevention of scams which mainly affect elderly people.


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