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The Italy of Dossiers and Chimpanzees! President Mattarella’s email was also hacked

RHC editorial team: 27 October 2024 18:56

As we reported a few days ago, a disconcerting investigation conducted by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate (DDA) of Milan and the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor’s Office has revealed a complex system of industrial espionage and abusive dossiership, managed by an alleged network of hackers.

Among the most worrying details emerges the possible cloning or abuse of an email address registered to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, an unprecedented violation of institutional security and the privacy of the country’s leading figures.

This is reported by the investigation documents, mentioned by Corriere della Sera, which also include interceptions that are alarming for their potential scenarios. Lately

The Discovery of Illegal Access to Sensitive Databases

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The Italy of Dossiers and Chimpanzees! President Mattarella’s email was also hacked

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Those arrested include the former super cop Carmine GalloCEO of the investigation company Equalize, and Nunzio Samuele Calamucci, IT consultant and private investigator. Authorities discovered that these individuals possessed a hard drive containing more 800,000 records illicitly acquired from law enforcement databases, called SDI, as well as a huge amount of other confidential data.

According to investigators, the gang managed to infiltrate the protected databases as early as October 2022, without having to rely on intermediaries belonging to the police force anymore.

Cloned Email of President Sergio Mattarella

The wiretaps show that the group would have abused the email address assigned to President Mattarella for unknown purposes, but certainly worrying. In another wiretap, one of the arrested people asks for precautions to prevent electronic traces attributable to the email used from leading to investigations.

In addition to Mattarella, other public figures, such as President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa and his son Geronimo, were found to be under surveillance through targeted reports and dossiers, commissioned for reasons ranging from the personal to the political.

Compromise of National Security

The alleged hacker network, according to the statements of prosecutor De Tommasi, boasts high-level support both in the organized crime environment and in the secret services, including foreign ones.

This illegal “dossier” system would represent, according to the prosecutors, a threat to Italian democracy, allowing these subjects to “hold” citizens and institutions thanks to illicit access and manipulation of sensitive data.

The investigation brought to light an extensive illegal information market, with reports created on commission to extort money or influence public figuresparticularly active in the political and business sectors. Among the clients, there are large groups such as Erg and Barillawhose executives are now under investigation for requesting dossiers on their employees.

House arrest with electronic bracelets have been issued for Gallo, Calamucci and other individuals linked to cybersecurity companies, and they are disqualification measures were placed on two law enforcement officers, who were suspended from their duties. The investigations continue with the aim of determining the scope of this dossier system and verifying the responsibilities of further subjects involved.

Reflections and Reactions

The Italian authorities expressed disdain and concern for what emerged. The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, announced checks on possible unauthorized access to the Ministry’s databases, while Ignazio La Russa said he was “disgusted” from their family’s involvement in espionage activities. Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, condemned this affair as a threat to democracy, underlining the seriousness of the illicit use of confidential information for the purposes of power and control.

This investigation represents yet another wake-up call on the importance of digital security and the protection of sensitive data, revealing the dangers resulting from the failure to protect the most confidential information and the vulnerabilities of institutional IT systems.

The recent revelations about the trafficking of the passwords of 91 Italian parliamentarians on the dark web, including access to dating sites, show us a surreal and alarming picture. All of this is not just a matter of security incidents, but of a structural lack of security culture at the political level, which urgently needs to be remedied. Like chimpanzees playing with delicate materials, some leaders do not seem to understand that cybersecurity has become a strategic asset for the country and much more needs to be done.

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The Red Hot Cyber ​​editorial team is made up of a group of individuals and anonymous sources who actively collaborate by providing preview information and news on cybersecurity and IT in general.

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