Home » Health » Horror and blood on TV! “Let’s Dance” star Timon Krause shocks fans

Horror and blood on TV! “Let’s Dance” star Timon Krause shocks fans

He amazes viewers all over the world with his special art, twirled across the dance floor at “LEt’sDance” and won a place in the hearts of Joko and Klaas’s fans: mentalist Timon Krause. But now the 30-year-old magician shocked TV viewers in a completely different way. After taking part in several shows by entertainers Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, he ended up taking part in the “Duel around the World” at the weekend. A real horror test awaited him here – according to Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, “not for the faint-hearted”.

In the show, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and his colleague Joko Winterscheidt used to travel around the world and set each other the most absurd tasks. For some time now, the two TV entertainers have no longer gone on the trip themselves, but rather send other celebrities ahead. In the current episode (aired on Saturday at 8:15 p.m. on Pro.7), Twitch star Papaplatte, among others, fell from a bridge – just one of the absurd tasks that awaited the stars. Also there: mentalist Timon Krause, who has been a guest with Joko and Klaas several times.

Timon Krause twirled across the dance floor with Ekaterina Leonova in the 16th season of “Let’s Dance”.Future Image/imago

Magician Timon Krause: Sheer horror awaits him in the “Duel around the World”.

He tricked the two of them in the show “Joko and Klaas against Pro.7” – and tried to influence them psychologically with various tricks. It succeeded – and that not only fascinated the viewers, but also the two TV stars. However, his victory also meant points for the employer Pro.7. The “duel around the world” was now met with revenge: Klaas Heufer-Umlauf sent Timon Krause to Thailand. The post about the task that awaited him there even had to be accompanied by a warning message. “Some scenes in the following article may seem disturbing.”

At the beginning the magician was happy. “I was sent to Thailand – and I’ve never been to Thailand,” said Timon Krause. He expected a beautiful country with sun, beaches and coconuts, but Klaas Heufer-Umlauf had other plans – he particularly noticed that Timon Krause had a large cheek, perfect for this task. Krause quickly notices that something is strange – the camera team noticeably often approached his face with the camera. In a letter from Klaas Heufer-Umlauf he then finds out what awaits him: the cheek is not getting enough attention – and he should help Klaas prepare a new “pro-baking campaign”.

After several strange actions, his path leads him to a temple – Krause reports of strangely dressed people and an atmosphere like at a festival. “I’m a little scared because I don’t know what we’re going to do,” he said to a contact. He is given a headscarf to cover his hair for the special festival and is shown around the site. And suddenly he realizes what his job is: Suddenly he saw people everywhere having their cheeks pierced.

Timon Krause is said to have skewers pierced through his cheeks during the “Duel Around the World”.

The article shows: Festival visitors have their cheeks pierced with sometimes huge needles, apparently every second. Klaas Heufer-Umlauf explains the meaning: At the festival, people eat vegan for nine days, go on a spiritual journey – and to show that they are invulnerable, “among other things, they poke their faces with a parasol.” And in fact, people carry parasols, pikes, swords, even anchors in the holes in their cheeks. But: Will Timon Krause also get such a piercing?

Horror and blood on TV! “Let’s Dance” star Timon Krause shocks fans

In the “Duel around the World” Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf play against each other.Pro.7

First, the task is explained to him: He has to have a skewer pierced through his left cheek and one through his right cheek – by a professional piercer. “I was stunned at that moment because I thought to myself: My beautiful face,” says Timon Krause in an interview. But the job isn’t done with the piercing alone: ​​he has to walk in a procession with the pikes for three hours. Will the magician endure the procedure? The answer is: yes! “My hands get sweaty when I talk about it now,” he admits afterwards. A piercer first drives a skewer, similar to a shashlik skewer, through his left cheek, then one through his right. “I felt like I could feel it piercing every layer of skin.”

But on the second spit: an incident. Suddenly his mouth was full of blood and the piercer said he had “hit a vein,” says Timon Krause. “I just had blood in my mouth and two crossed skewers in my face – a really unpleasant feeling.” The whole crew then looked away because they couldn’t bear the sight. “They just pointed the camera at it.” Then the shock: Because the mentalist is bleeding, he has to leave the area as quickly as possible.

Incident during the “Duel Around the World”: Because there is too much blood, the test is canceled

“The moment you bleed, you taint the whole thing,” he explains. Not bleeding is proof of invulnerability – and that you are protected by the gods.” So the mentalist went to the hotel. He had to watch the procession from the side of the road. Nevertheless, he retains his sense of humor. “Finally I would like to say that I hope the Pro Baking campaign was a complete success,” he says. Of course, Timon Krause still gets the point for Team Joko – even without a procession. ■

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