Home » News » Alias ​​’Julián Uribe’ responsible for murder in Huila

Alias ​​’Julián Uribe’ responsible for murder in Huila

The dissident Vladimir Gallo, alias ‘Julián Uribe’, the second in command of the opposition to ‘Israel Ruiz‘, died in a fight with the Army in the rural area of ​​Neiva. The subject was involved in the murder of seven police officers in the town of Neiva in San Luis, the murder of a peace signatory in Pitalito and the murder of two police officers in the town of Nátaga, among other criminal acts.

The dissident, who was behind the murder of police officers and soldiers, a minor and a peace signatory, among others, as well as attacks on police stations in Huila, was released by the Army.

This is Vladimir Gallo, alias ‘Julián Uribe’, the second in command of the face of ‘Israel Ruiz’, of the central bloc ‘Isaías Pardo’, led by Néstor Gregorio Vera Fernández, alias ‘Iván Mordisco‘, who came to into the group as his private guerilla.

The dissident died along with four of his companions in clashes with soldiers of the Zeus Consolidation and Stabilization Operation Command, of the Sixth Brigade, following information from the Antiterrorism Group (Grate) of the Police, in the town of Pradera, in the city from Aipecito, Neiva, last Friday evening.

The Brigadier General José Bertulfo Soto, commander of the Fifth Division of the Army, denied that the community of the sector took three lifeless groups of dissidents. “More than 200 people near the pavement, and those who were being exploited by this group outside the law, rioted and took away three lifeless bodies…”

The senior officer said that with the death of the alias ‘Julián Uribe’, the transfer corridor used by members of the front of ‘Ismael Ruiz’, led by the alias ‘Libardo’, is affected. “For the second supervisor, alias ‘Julian Uribe’, the Government of Tolima offered a reward of 60 million pesos for information about his whereabouts.”

A series of murders

In the three years he was in the dissident alias ‘Iván Mordisco’, Gallo rose not only to take over the second command in front of ‘Ismael Ruiz’, but also left a trail of death, terror and anxiety in towns west and south of Huila, as well as north of Tolima.

Brigadier General Bertulfo Soto recalled that the dissension is involved in the murder of seven officers of the Metropolitan Police of Neiva, in the district of San Luis, on September 2, 2022.

In addition, on February 21, 2024, he committed an act of terrorism against the motor soldiers in the town of Los Kioscos, city of La Plata, with one professional soldier murdered and another injured. He also participated in the attack on soldiers in the village of Villa Esperanza, city of La Plata, where a girl was murdered on July 27, 2023.

On September 21, 2023, he participated in the attack against soldiers, in the town of Campo Alegre, in the town of Rioblanco (Tolima) and on October 5, 2023, in Puerto Saldaña, also under the jurisdiction of the same population.

The authorities also indicated that Gallo is involved in the murder of the peace signatory José Enrique Roa and his bodyguards Luis Eduardo Sterling and Yirber Silva of the National Defense Unit, in the district of Guacacayo, city of Pitalito-Huila, which happened on January 14. from 2024.

The dissident also participated in the assassination of the former fighter José Noé Gómez Betancur, in the village of Las Mirlas in the city of Tolima in Rioblanco, on February 14, 2024, and on May 2, e illegal seizure of vehicles and theft of a truck, on the road that leads from Neiva to the town of Castilla in Tolima.

They said that on May 13, 2024, in a fight in the town of Chapinero, city of Neiva, the professional soldier Rubén Mendoza Ureña was murdered. On July 20, 2024, he participated in the harassment of the Police substation in the town of Neiva in San Luis, and on August 2, he carried out the attack with drones full of explosives against the Casa Verde military base, in the town of Tolima in Ataco and On September 30, the attack was carried out by drones full of explosives against the military base in the town of Tolima in Planadas, without affecting the army.

The dissident Gallo also participated in the attack on the Police patrol in the town of Nátaga, killing the Mayor Leonardo Trujillo Tovar, the head of the police unit, and the patrolman Carlos Andrés Hernández Ospina. The psychiatrist Sergio Conde, who is in a clinic in Neiva, was injured, events that happened on October 10, 2024.

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