In the Gogi kantabari podcast, Sami Kuronen recalls an uncomfortable shooting day in the Temptation Island Suomi program.
Presenter Sami Kuronen50, makes the revelation Temptation Island Finland behind the scenes of the program Gogin cantabaa on the podcast. Kuronen says that in the third season, eating lactic acid bacteria no longer saved the film crew from stomach ailments. Nor did Kuronen avoid the disease in question.
– I still got through the morning shoots when they were short. When there was a break of a few hours, we left for the local hospital. I got a plastic bag of medicine from there, and the nurse said: “Put those out, and it will start to get better at some point.” the host recalls in the episode.
Sami Kuronen had to work with a stomach ailment in the third season of Tempparei. Pete Anikari
Kuronen says in the podcast that he still didn’t feel better at the evening bonfire, where he famously grills the show’s couples about their parties. According to Kuronen, about 3-4 hours during the filming of the evening bonfire was not very pleasant with a stomachache.
– It was quite painful to sit there when my stomach was spinning. I sat on such a plank and tried to find a suitable position, how to get the canes together as tightly as possible. That if something comes out of there, it wouldn’t all be splashed in the viewers’ eyes, the man says with a laugh.
– It was quite warm there anyway, but yes, my drops of sweat were probably more due to the fact that I was nervous [pakaroitani]so that I could keep all the stuff inside me, he continues.
After the evening campfire ended, Kuronen said his final words very firmly, took off his ear monitor and ran to the bathroom 200 meters away.
– I survived. Punctual, but I survived, the presenter states in the episode.
– Fortunately, those medicines started to work the very next day. So this [tilanne] didn’t happen again, but it was an awkward evening, he says at the end.
Kuronen thanks the program’s editing team for being able to cut the scene so that his pain was not visible in the episode.
Kuronen has hosted the program since spring 2015. The evening bonfire of the Temppars became such a big hit that the host even named his company Kuronen Grilli after them.
Sami Kuronen has been a host in Tempparei since 2015. Picture from season 12. Four
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