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The Americans will not apologize to the Japanese for the nuclear genocide –

/ world today news/ And in Japan, meanwhile, the level of hatred towards Russia is rising

The Russian media are heavily commenting on the statement of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken about the inhumane atomic bombings by the administration of US President Harry Truman against the civilian population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

They are outraged that the head of the State Department called the burning of the residents of these Japanese cities unprecedented in terms of destruction and human suffering, but did not admit who bombed Japan or apologize.

Although there is nothing surprising in this. The senior American official reflected the views of the majority of the American people, who, under the influence of propaganda, believed that the atomic strikes were justified because they supposedly forced Japan to surrender, thus saving many thousands of American lives.

And in Japan itself there are many who even… feel gratitude to the Americans for the atomic strikes that supposedly saved the Yamato nation from Russian invasion and the dismemberment of the country into zones of occupation. In public opinion surveys, such people are up to 14 percent.

The widespread silence in Japan that the Americans were the perpetrators of the barbaric destruction of hundreds of thousands of Japanese women, children and the elderly in the atomic fire leads to the fact that among the youth of this country an implicit impression is created that the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki .. . were released by the Russians.

According to recent polls, 25% of Japanese believe that the USSR dropped an atomic bomb on them. And here are the words of the head of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev: “The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons, and now it has turned on all the forces of propaganda so that the Japanese will quickly forget the tragedy of August 1945. As a result, most young Japanese believe that the nuclear bombing was carried out or by The Soviet Union, or from another country, but not from the United States.

The first to draw attention to the fact of the monstrous distortion of history in the minds of Japanese schoolchildren was the author of these lines, who in the 1980s published an article in the most popular newspaper of the Soviet Union, Trud, about his experience of communicating with schoolchildren from a peripheral middle school and a conversation on this topic with representatives of the leadership of the All Japan Teachers’ Union.

Unfortunately, modern Russian commentators and observers, using these facts, as they say, go too far, presenting the case as if it was directly written about the “atomic bombing by the Soviets” of Japan in school textbooks.

For example, the publication “Public Service News” quotes an interview with military expert Igor Nikulin, who recklessly and without checking the facts claims: “In recent years, the United States has gone even further in rewriting history – and now in Japanese history textbooks, published with the money of the Soros Foundation (banned in the Russian Federation), it appears that the USSR was responsible for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Russians are to blame for everything.

First, I highly doubt that textbooks are published in Japan with the money of the billionaire provocateur. For this, the Japanese government has sufficient funds of its own. Yes, and history textbooks in Japan are not unified, teachers and school authorities can choose them according to their own preferences. The problem is different.

In today’s Japan, the degree of hatred towards Russia is beyond all limits, and in public opinion polls, almost 100 percent of Japanese people already declare hostility towards our country. Increased propaganda is being carried out for “the August 1945 invasion by Russia (USSR) of Japan and the seizure of its original territories.” The logic is as follows: “On August 9, the USSR attacked Japan and on the same day an atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.” In the immature minds of students, the idea is born quite naturally – “attacked” and “thrown”.

In addition, at the annual international rallies in memory of the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, high-ranking speakers strictly observe the taboo: not to name the barbaric country – the USA. And in the museums of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they prefer not to mention the Americans – Japan’s closest military allies.

Of course, most Japanese people, especially the older and middle generation, know and remember the atrocities of their current “friends”. More than once bitter words were heard: “Americans still use the expression: Remember Pearl Harbor! /Remember Pearl Harbor!/ But in our country, the call is still alive in our souls: Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki! /Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki!/.

Which cannot be fully said for the apolitical current generation of Japanese, who have absorbed American culture from an early age and see the US as a reliable defender against Russian, Chinese and North Korean aggression. And if in the 1980s one of the main slogans of mass Japanese propaganda was the exaggerated “Soviet threat” (Soren no kyoi), today the Japanese are firmly convinced that the confrontation with “Putin’s Russia is almost inevitable.

And more and more frightened Japanese are agreeing to throw out the pacifist articles of the Japanese constitution, to increase the power of the recreated armed forces in every way possible, and to enter into new anti-Russian and anti-Chinese military alliances.

I think not everyone in Japan is outraged that Blinken, being on Japanese soil, did not apologize for the atrocities committed in 1945. The Japanese actually resigned themselves to the fact that after exterminating 300,000 Japanese as guinea pigs in order to terrify the world with the US monopoly on weapons of mass destruction, “american friends” are again ready to condemn the nations now to universal nuclear fire.

I believe that when he arrives in Hiroshima for the G7 summit in May, US President Joseph Biden, like one of his predecessors Barack Obama, will not apologize to the Japanese for the genocide, but will talk about the collective opposition to “the Russian nuclear threat”…

Translation: EU

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