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Business insurance obligation, Cugliari (Cna Calabria) “too many shadows, in fact it is a new tax”

Business insurance obligation, Cugliari (Cna Calabria) “too many shadows, in fact it is a new tax”

“We still don’t know the costs, how much the deductibles will be and whether each company will pay more due to the risk of the territory.

A significant element that will weigh on an already difficult economic moment as a deterrent to investments in some areas of the country. In fact it has become a new tax.”

Thus the president of Cna Calabria Giovanni Cugliari comments on the obligation for companies to take out insurance policies against natural disasters. The obligation is contained in the 2024 budget and requires companies to comply by 31 December 2024.

If the provision is not complied with, it will be taken into account in the assignment of contributions, subsidies or financial benefits from public resources and a pecuniary administrative sanction of one hundred to five hundred thousand euros will be imposed.

Cugliari points out, “There are several southern areas at risk, territories in which catastrophic events occur several times a year. What will happen then? Will costs for businesses double? Will the insurance cover every event or will it be locked behind parameters and clauses that we don’t yet know?”

“The questions we ask ourselves are different and as business representatives we have an obligation to raise them to raise awareness

and alerting the institutions to the shadows of an instrument that at the moment does not seem suitable at all to us, it seems more like an instrument to raise cash”.

Business insurance obligation, Cugliari (Cna Calabria) “too many shadows, in fact it is a new tax”

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