Home » Technology » Didier Sam Fat, cybersecurity expert: “Artificial intelligence is very useful for detecting whether content was created by another AI”

Didier Sam Fat, cybersecurity expert: “Artificial intelligence is very useful for detecting whether content was created by another AI”

While the controversy is growing in Mauritius around the broadcast of audio tapes of wiretapped telephone conversations, Didier Sam-Fat, cybersecurity expert, addresses the issues linked to artificial intelligence. In a context where the protection of privacy and the fight against cyber threats are at the heart of debates, it highlights the usefulness of AI in detecting the origin of digital content, while emphasizing the importance of a solid regulatory framework to govern the use of these technologies.

Can AI understand Creole?

Yes, today, tools like ChatGPT are capable of translating text into Mauritian Creole, from languages ​​like English or French. This is an interesting step forward, especially to make technology more accessible to different local languages ​​and cultures.

In addition to this, artificial intelligence (AI) is very useful in detecting whether content — whether it is text, image, sound or video — was created by another AI.

Specialized tools and even websites now offer this type of service. This allows you to better identify and understand the origin of digital content.

GPTZero (gptzero.me): This tool is designed to detect if text was generated by an AI model like ChatGPT. It is often used by teachers and editors to verify the authenticity of a text.

Originality.ai (originality.ai): It is a platform that helps detect AI-generated content and check plagiarism, mainly used by content creators and publishers.

Sensity.ai (sensity.ai): Specializes in detecting AI-generated or modified media, such as deepfakes. This tool is particularly useful for analyzing videos and images.

Deepware (deepware.ai): This site focuses on detecting deepfakes in videos and images, and helps spot manipulation by artificial intelligence algorithms.

How did AI become crucial?

I would say that today, AI has become essential. Organizations or even countries that are slow to adopt AI risk finding themselves behind in several areas. AI makes it possible to improve productivity, analyze large quantities of data more quickly and more efficiently than humans alone.

In the field of cybersecurity, for example, AI is a major asset for detecting hacking attempts or complex computer attacks, such as so-called “zero day” attacks, which exploit yet undiscovered vulnerabilities.

AI therefore helps protect systems and react quickly to threats. Those who do not adopt these technologies risk falling behind, particularly in terms of safety and efficiency.
To what extent can AI be a tool across multiple industries?

Economy and Productivity: AI can automate repetitive tasks, saving businesses time and increasing productivity. It can also help countries be more competitive internationally by reducing costs and optimizing resources.

Healthcare: In the medical sector, AI can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases, analyzing medical images, and even managing health data. It can make care faster and more precise, and allow better access to health services, even in remote regions.

Education: AI can personalize learning based on students’ individual needs, providing targeted support to improve academic performance and facilitate access to educational resources in different languages.

Today, artificial intelligence is accessible to everyone. Many AI applications and tools are already integrated into our daily lives, whether in phones, virtual assistants or even on online platforms. AI must be accessible to everyone, because it has the potential to improve everyone’s lives.

Israel is known to be a specialist in cyberwarfare systems. How is this used?

Israel is recognized globally for its advanced capabilities in cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. One of the best-known examples is the Pegasus software, developed by the Israeli company NSO Group.

Pegasus is a very sophisticated spyware (or spyware) designed to discreetly infiltrate smartphones and extract sensitive information such as messages, calls, photos, and even activate the phone’s camera or microphone without the user’s knowledge. ‘user.

The software has been used by various governments to monitor specific individuals, usually as part of criminal investigations or for matters of national security. However, Pegasus has also attracted heavy criticism because in some cases it has been used to monitor journalists, human rights defenders, and political figures.

This example illustrates how cyberwarfare systems can be used both as a security tool, but also raise concerns about possible surveillance abuses.
These are still extremely expensive technologies, as monitoring 10 phones can cost up to $650,000.

Is tapping a necessary evil to counter terrorism and drug trafficking?

Interception of telephone communications is a practice used by many countries around the world to combat serious threats such as terrorism and drug trafficking. In the United States, for example, the law requires telephone operators to cooperate with authorities to install listening systems as part of specific investigations.

This type of surveillance is often seen as a necessary evil, because it collects crucial information to prevent attacks or dismantle criminal networks. However, it is strictly regulated by law and can only be implemented with the authorization of a judge, thus ensuring a balance between national security and respect for the privacy of citizens.

What is the Basic Orbit concept?

The concept of Orbit base is very similar to that of defense in depth in English. It is a cybersecurity strategy that is based on the idea of ​​superimposing several layers of security to protect computer systems and networks. The goal is that if one layer of defense is compromised, the other layers continue to protect critical assets.

We are talking about a National Cyber-Resistance Agency. What do you think?

I think that instead of creating a cyber resistance agency, it would be better to establish a National Cybersecurity Authority. Its role would be to regulate and supervise the entire cybersecurity sector, thus guaranteeing better protection of Mauritian citizens against cyber threats. This authority could ensure that websites, particularly those of online merchants, have the necessary protections to secure users’ personal and financial data.

Singapore is an excellent example in this area. This country has established a Cybersecurity Agency that regulates cybersecurity practices nationwide, with strict standards for businesses and critical infrastructure. By adopting a similar approach, Mauritius could better protect its digital economy, while encouraging trust in the use of online services.

England is also an interesting model in terms of cybersecurity. The United Kingdom has established the National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC), which is part of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). This agency’s mission is to protect critical national infrastructure, businesses and citizens against cyber threats.

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