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Washington Post: The ominous warning to Zelensky –

/ world today news/ Ukrainian sources close to the leadership of the 93rd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “Kholodniy Yar” announced another tragedy in Bakhmut/Artyomovsk. On April 20, the “musicians” advanced along “Chernyakhovsky” and “Tolbukhin” streets and found themselves at a distance of 2 blocks from the Donetsk Higher School of the Olympic reserve named after “Sergei Bubka”.

According to the fresh coloring in red (Russian) color of the independent volunteer maps, and from the south side of the city, the advance of Wagner’s stormtroopers towards “Grigoriy Skovoroda” street is recorded.

The day before, the Russian army took control of the remaining area east of the railway line, including the logistics warehouse, and reached the high-rises on Pushkin Street. But the most important thing is that our troops have started a new offensive in the northwestern outskirts and are close to cutting off the road to Khromovo.

In the telegram channel “Wagner Orchestra | Wagner” on April 20, a note appeared: “The day before, the fighters of the Orchestra managed to reach the highway O-0506, leading from Chasov Yar to Khromovo, which supplies the western grouping of the enemy in Bakhmut.”

This message was taken as information about the encirclement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bakhmut. However, as the group members explained, “despite the spreading reports of a cauldron in Bakhmut, there is currently no surrounding. Yes, the road between Chasov Yar and Khromovo was heavily shelled by artillery and mortar fire, but it was not blocked.

The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) is right there. ISW experts gave their grim analysis, as themselves:

“Wagner’s forces attacked near Khromovo and managed to advance to an unspecified highway – possibly 00506 – which Ukrainian forces use as a land route to Bakhmut. Geolocated footage released on April 20 shows Ukrainian forces shelling Russian positions northwest of Khromovo.”

Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar had to admit that Ukraine’s armed forces were withdrawing from a number of positions in Bakhmut as it was difficult to hold the city.

“The situation there is very difficult. They are completely destroying the city, in such conditions it is difficult to hold positions,” she said.

“In some areas they manage to move forward, but Bakhmut is standing, we are inflicting incredible losses on the enemy in both infantry and equipment,” said without batting an eye, the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which defenders of Independence call “chicken with a smart beak.”

It seems that in both Kiev and Washington there is talk of “who is to blame?” The West has spent about $130 billion to support Ze-Team and Ukraine’s armed forces, and the battle for Bakhmut, which is called an indicator, is likely to be lost.

In particular, a group of 19 Republican congressmen is demanding that Biden stop helping Ukraine in a military format. They said they were strongly opposed to any future aid packages “unless they are linked to a clear diplomatic strategy aimed at ending the conflict as soon as possible”. The Hill wrote about it.

The Ze-team, of course, started anti-crisis work. For example, the Ukrainian Armed Forces would not have surrendered the city if the Russians had not barbarically bombed it. However, Malyar’s statement about the destruction of Bakhmut by our troops was actually refuted by the commander of the Kholodny Yar brigade in another interview with the Washington Post.

Among other things, he said he had “pulled his forces back into the residential areas, using the rooftops as a platform and turning the houses into anti-tank positions.”

Thus, the “father-commander” of the 93rd Motorized Brigade admitted that he used the homes of ordinary people to attack the “musicians”.

According to him, “I would like to see the city without all the destruction, but if it helps to save other Ukrainian cities, we have to do what we have to do.” That is, targeted destruction of civilian objects.

Another thing is interesting. WP correspondent Suzanne George recalled “ominous warnings from Washington that Ukraine will not be able to hold Bakhmut.”

I mean, they told you back in January to leave town. Palisa replied, “I’m not that big of a fish.” This is more than a transparent allusion to Pseudo-Bonaparte Zelensky, who insisted on the defense of the fortress.

Admin 93 wrote in this regard: “Following this loss (of Bahmut), as well as the calculation of the losses in it, there will be a powerful phone call from Washington and from Austin personally.”

“And maybe in honor of this, even a “delegation” will come to Kiev with the purpose of the same action as on the phone, only live. There will be a unraveling, a search for the guilty … after all, those who protected Bakhmut “badly”, will be guilty,” he continues.

Apparently, there can be no question of any independence of the Ze-team. It’s just that Zelensky at one time managed to talk to old Biden that he would save the city, and the Yankees believed him.

Now Bankova has decided to remove those who are able to shed light on the motley “delegation” how the battle actually took place.

According to @holodniyyar Ukrainian fighters, instead of withdrawing the people from the brigade, “the command transferred almost the entire 93rd brigade to Bakhmut in full strength. Even the tankers. It’s really a mess now.”

Moreover, in his address (April 20) to the Ramstein participants, the Pan-President said literally the following:

“Today, I would like to specially note our soldiers of the 5th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade and the 80th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade – for active and successful activity, for assault operations in Bakhmut. I thank the 214th Rifle Battalion for powerful strikes against the enemy near Bakhmut.”

Not a word about the Ukrainian motorized infantry of the 93rd, which took the brunt of the “musicians”. The truth-loving people who tell Austin about Zelensky are not needed by Bankova. In other words, the “Holodnoyarsk fighters” were destined for the fate of suicide bombers.

However, Palisa still hopes to escape from the “meat grinder Bakhmut”. When asked by Suzanne George whether Bakhmut was worth the expended (American) material resources and the huge losses of the armed forces of Ukraine, the brigade commander avoided an answer: “I can assess the success of the mission only after everything is over.”

Like, get me out of here – I’ll tell you everything.

But even here the colonel’s speech failed. He began to imply that the main blame for the defeat of the armed forces of Ukraine lies with the Americans, who promised the defenders of Independence an indisputable technological advantage over the Russians – and deceived them.

“Our enemy is really good at jamming,” he explained, referring to electronic warfare that blocks access to GPS signals.

“If we don’t have eyes in the air, we won’t be able to fire artillery at the enemy.” Why this is important is because we don’t have a lot of artillery shells. Therefore, our artillery fire must be accurate,” he said.

This means that the Yankees have fallen into a puddle with their satellite targeting, and without it, as the commander of the 93rd Brigade indirectly admits, the warriors cannot even defend themselves in an urban battle that is advantageous to them. By the way, Svobodnaya Pressa devoted a special article to this topic about the Tobol radio-electronic warfare system, which blocks the GPS signal.

Translation: SM

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