Home » World » Cava de’ Tirreni, automatic cash register broken into in the parking lot

Cava de’ Tirreni, automatic cash register broken into in the parking lot

Theft during the night inside the underground car park of the new central urban park, where unknown persons forced a door and removed the money contained in the automatic cash register. Access to the area, located in viale Benedetto Gravagnuolois permitted via an automatic barrier, which allows cars to enter. It seems that the criminals used a crowbar to break in the door, which contains the information and payment methods for parking. The thieves’ target was clearly the box with the change collected from the car, managing to steal some hundreds of euros.

The cameras

However, they did not take into account that the entire parking lot is monitored by a system video surveillance latest generation. The police, immediately informed of the incident, are analyzing the camera images to trace those responsible. Furthermore, yesterday morning a technician went to the site to take care of the maintenance of the damaged case.


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