Home » Health » Flood, days of extraordinary tetanus and flu vaccinations Gazzetta di Reggio

Flood, days of extraordinary tetanus and flu vaccinations Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia The Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority has activated extraordinary vaccination points to offer tetanus and flu vaccinations, aimed at citizens, operators and volunteers in the areas affected by the flood emergency. The tetanus vaccination is aimed at those who have never been vaccinated for tetanus or have had their last booster dose more than 10 years ago. The seasonal flu vaccination is particularly recommended for people with chronic pathologies, people over 60, pregnant women, healthcare workers and essential service workers. To find out more go to the ASL website The main risks for citizens and volunteers involved in the clearing, cleaning and restoration operations of premises affected by heavy rains of recent days concern gastrointestinal and tetanus infections. Avoid contact with stagnant water, protect yourself with gloves and suitable clothing and wash your hands well. Tetanus vaccination is recommended for those who have not had the booster scheduled every ten years.

To ensure the collective health of residents in flooded areas and the people who help in the areas concerned the Emilia-Romagna Region produced a bailiff which summarizes the main indications and rules of conduct useful for minimizing the risk deriving from contact with flood waters which can be contaminated by wastewater from sewage systems or by chemical substances and agricultural or industrial waste (attached in pdf format Indications for restoration health and hygiene conditions and for the safe return to flooded homes).

Locations and times of vaccination points (access without reservation):

· REGGIO EMILIA – Public Hygiene Service – Ziccardi Pavilion, via Amendola 2: from Tuesday 29/10 to Thursday 31/10 8.30-12.30;

· GUASTALLA – Public Hygiene Service – Civil Hospital Polyclinics, via blood donors: Tuesday 31/10 9-11 am

· BAGNOLO IN PIANO – at the Croce Rossa headquarters – via Tassone,3: Tuesday 29/10 9-11 am

· CADELBOSCO SOTTO – at Circolo ARCI Chierici Lombardo, Via Quarti 12/A: Thursday 31st 9-11am

· CASTELNOVO di SOTTO at the Polyclinic, via Dante Alighieri 3: Thursday 31/10 1.30pm-3.30pm

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