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What Xi Jinping’s conversation with Zelensky means: There can only be one topic –

/ world today news/ After Xi Jinping‘s conversation with Zelensky, China will send a delegation to Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The first since the beginning of the special military operation. In reporting this, China’s Xinhua news agency did not give details of the conversation. Yes, and he is unlikely to give, because silence is loved not only by big money, but also by serious diplomacy. Especially when it comes to the possibility of resolving such a complex and dramatic conflict as the Ukrainian one.

Zelensky turned out to be a little more talkative. Some Ukrainian Telegram channels, claiming that the initiative for the call came from him, have already put the following words in his mouth: “I believe that it (the conversation – Ed.), as well as the appointment of the new Ukrainian ambassador to China, will give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations.”

However, a snag immediately appears here: how will this “powerful thrust” of relations between Kiev and Beijing be received in Washington, with approval? After all, today China for the United States, about which Americans speak even without hesitation, is “number one threat”.

In addition, everyone remembers the very recent inept explanations of the American administration that Biden himself would like to talk with comrade Xi, but in Beijing everyone answers that he does not have time, he has a lot of work. And there was time for Vladimir from Kyiv. Although he also stood in line for a long time, but now he waited …

On February 24, China unveiled its 12-point proposals for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, including a ceasefire, resumption of talks, prisoner exchange, expansion of the grain deal, rejection of sanctions and the safe operation of nuclear facilities. Moscow took them into account and added that they could be taken into account when looking for ways to end hostilities.

But in Ukraine, Chinese proposals were initially rejected. Because Zelensky himself said shortly before that Kiev can accept only one plan for a “peaceful settlement” – the one that was invented in Kiev. “Kiev’s wish list” consisted of a simple and even bold formula: withdrawal of Russian troops to the 1991 borders, payment of hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations, etc.

In Beijing, after learning that the Ukrainian leadership indignantly rejected their proposals, they thoughtfully commented on the situation. “If a country rejects the very basis for ending an armed conflict – cessation of hostilities and initiation of a negotiation process“, commented the Chinese Foreign Ministry, “then that country is not a priori interested in a peaceful end result.”

And now Zelensky has finally “turned up”. What changed? China did not abandon its proposals or change them. And Ukraine, as the head of its foreign policy department Kuleba said a day before the telephone conversation, also did not budge from its position: any peace plan that it is ready to discuss must not lead to freezing the conflict or to the loss of “Ukrainian territory”.

It is even embarrassing to be reminded that Zelensky, by his decree, forbade himself to conduct any negotiations with Russia. It is clear that if he did contact Xi, then it is definitely a peaceful settlement. But what is thought on this issue in Kyiv? Who will sit at the negotiating table from Russia? Or will they go without her at all?

Next is the “successful counter-offensive” as a prerequisite for starting any peace talks with Moscow, which the West insists on and talks about tirelessly in Kiev. But this, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, is schizophrenia. The diagnosis is correct. And Beijing is unlikely to be willing to discuss its settlement proposals with sick people.

If they are still discussing, the reason is most likely one. The Kiev leader, of course, not without the approval of the curators, sought a conversation with President Xi due to the fact that the “counterattack”, as in the well-known parable of the stone flower, still does not bloom and does not bloom.

The impasse is already being realized by the West. And for them to continue to rattle off that we, first, will “rub Moscow’s nose” and then give it our ultimatums, is already simply ridiculous. The situation must somehow be saved. Then they slapped their foreheads: “Oh, what was Beijing offering?

Perhaps instead of the dubious “counterattack”, after which they would have nothing to collect, in Kiev, not without the approval of the “senior comrades”, they suddenly decided to clarify what the Chinese were up to there. And China, as noted by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in a comment on Xi’s conversation with Zelensky, has demonstrated its readiness to make efforts to establish a negotiation process. At the same time, Kiev demonstrated the rejection of any reasonable initiatives aimed at settlement, she said.

And one more important clarification was made by Zakharova: the Ukrainian authorities and their Western curators have already demonstrated their ability to unravel any peace initiatives. Everyone already knows about the “Minsk Process”. Perhaps the next in line is “Peking”? But with the same goal – to gain time to prepare for a real “counterattack”. The West has hardly changed its “habits”.

Translation: EU

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