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Frankfurt Book Fair, multiplier of great stories

Frankfurt. It is difficult to imagine an area of ​​168 thousand square meters dedicated to the book industry. This year, the Frankfurt Book Fair celebrates the 76th edition of this world-famous literary event.

Frankfurt am Main, the financial center of Germany where most of the country’s banking institutions are located, is known internationally for the bookseller’s meeting that since 1949 has been held from Wednesday to Sunday of the second week of October.

The first three days are dedicated to professionals in the industry to close deals. The last two days it is open to the general public. Educational institutions in Frankfurt establish agreements to bring their students closer to the world of books from the fair.

The book fair’s website describes it as a multiplier by promoting great stories, giving space to great stages, giving impetus to luminaries from the world of media and culture. The book fair was initially held in the Church of San Paulo, bringing together two hundred publishers.

Today, 76 years after that first meeting, it has its own fair space, bringing together 4,000 exhibitors from almost a hundred countries, becoming an important communication platform for the publishing industry worldwide, where the history of democracy is also reflected. country and the development of the German publishing industry.

If perhaps one of the greatest attractions of the book fair is the opportunity for the public to get closer to their favorite authors, those who through their work allowed the reader to insert themselves into other realities, to travel without leaving the place they chose for the reading or perhaps projecting oneself into one of the figures presented in the story.

This year more than 1 thousand authors from all over the world attend, around 650 events are organized in 15 stages spread throughout the fair where discussions, debates, and readings are carried out in various languages ​​translated into English or German.

The official German television channels organize various events in which personalities from the world of politics are also guests.

Much of the current discussion is about the future of printed literature in the face of the impact of digitalization, the challenges to be faced and possible solutions.

In Frankfurt, publications in various languages, management by literary agents, the signing of exclusive contracts, the now so popular audio edition, copyrights or translations are negotiated, just to mention a couple of topics.

Many of the businesses in the publishing industry are carried out from the screen, with the physical presence of publisher managers in Frankfurt becoming less and less. The fair has reduced its physical spaces, exhibitors have to pay large sums for a stand.

In any case, visiting the Frankfurt Book Fair becomes an unparalleled experience to once again verify that reading a book from its modesty continues to provide, for many, incomparable pleasure.

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