The supposed neuroscientist, Elizabeth Silverio, He said the reason he used doctor’s coat it was simply because “comfort” And what if he studied at the university? Cambridge, but he did via online.
When appearing at the hearing of the substantive trial in which she is accused of usurp functions in the health area through the Knowledge Land Center for Neurocognitive and Psychopedagogical Therapies (Kogland), Silverio said that “when I look at the documents of the Public Ministry, everything revolves around medicine y I have nothing to do with medical matters”.
You can read: Nuria Piera expects a severe sentence against Elizabeth Silverio
The accused assured that the journalist Nuria Pieraentered her workspace without permission, abruptly with the cameras and that is when she felt “overwhelmed.”
Silverio said that the Public Ministry did not try to corroborate what Piera stated in her program and that they did not question her about the “veracity of her studies.”
“While it is true that the lady enjoys power in the media, it is also true that the Magna Carta speaks of human dignity,” alleged the false neuroscientist.
By: Yari Araujo