Home » Business » “​​​​​I thought it was a cold, but I could die within 24 hours”… What is this ‘disease’ with a 15% death rate – Paper – Mael Business news

“​​​​​I thought it was a cold, but I could die within 24 hours”… What is this ‘disease’ with a 15% death rate – Paper – Mael Business news

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[사진 제공 = 연합뉴스]

Every year, 5 October is ‘World Meningitis Day’. It was established by the World Meningitis Association to raise awareness of the dangers of meningitis and the need for vaccination.

Meningitis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the meninges, a thin membrane around the brain and spinal cord. According to the type of infectious agent, it is mainly divided into viral and bacterial. Among them, viral meningitis is the most common.

According to GSK Korea, a global pharmaceutical company, on the 5th, if they have meningitis, flu-like symptoms will appear at first, such as fever and headache, but it will progress rapidly within 24 hours. and it can cause death.

It is mainly captured by droplet diffusion. The risk of infection increases when you enter the military or your dormitory, live in crowded places, or travel to countries where meningococcal disease is common.

If you have a stroke, the death rate is as high as 10-15% even with adequate treatment, and one in five survivors may have permanent side effects such as amputation and hearing loss, so prevention through vaccination is important.

Along with vaccination, strengthening personal hygiene such as hand washing is also a good way to expect a protective effect.

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2024-10-05 11:41:40
#thought #cold #die #hours.. #disease #death #rate #Paper #Mael #Business #news

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