Heartstopper is a television series that is based on the novels of the same name by the writer Alice Oseman who, in four volumes, narrates the events experienced by teenagers who are looking for their place in the world and in society, but did you know that the author Was it inspired by a true story?
Another interesting fact about this series of books is that they emerged as a hobby on internet pages, but over time, Oseman decided to give them a text format (and not some kind of comic) and that is how in 20216 the first one came out. volume called Two Boys Together.
This October 3, the third season of the television program premiered and there is no better time for the curiosities and details of the youth plot.
This is the true story of ‘Heartstopper’
In the story that follows the characters Nick, Charlie and company in their teenage years at school and their search for identity, there is a real experience that inspired all the characters.
That experience and the anecdotes are from (drum roll…) the writer herself and she told it this way in a couple of interviews.
“Now I’m 28 years old and I didn’t learn what those terms were until I started college. And honestly, I didn’t really understand them until later. “I feel that asexuality and aromanticism are identities that many people do not know, I sought to bring that representation to the popular,” the famous writer told BuzzFeed in August 2023.
In the same talk, the creator of this television series revealed that she would have liked to have had examples of people with the same anguish and doubt as her, but unfortunately she did not have them.
“If I had watched asexual characters as a teenager, I would have understood that part of myself much sooner and saved myself a lot of anguish, pain and confusion,” Oseman explained.
However, although it considers that the rights and freedoms of the LGBT community are increasingly respected, there is still hatred and discrimination towards them.
“I think things have gotten better since I started writing Heartstopper, and they’ve certainly gotten better since I was in school, but there’s still a lot of homophobia, transphobia, and bullying, so I’m sure some people will identify with me and my work.” , declared to the same site referred to before, but in 2022.
Where to watch the third season of ‘Heartstopper’ and how many episodes are there?
The third season is now available for all fans to enjoy and, like the previous two installments, it is available on the Netflix streaming platform.
As is the custom of the entertainment company, all the episodes of the new ‘season’ are now available and are the following with their respective names.
- Chapter 1: The declaration.
- Chapter 2: Home.
- Chapter 3: The talk.
- Chapter 4: The journey.
- Chapter 5: Winter.
- Chapter 6: The body.
- Chapter 7: Together.
- Chapter 8: The separation.
What actors and actresses participate in the series ‘Heartstopper’?
The actresses and actors participating in this television series produced by Netflix are the following.
- Kit Connor: Nick Nielson.
- Joe Locke: Charlie Spring.
- William Gao: Tao Xu.
- Yasmin Finney: She Money.
- Tobie Donovan: Isaac Henderson.
- Corinna Brown: Tara Jones.
- Kizzy Edgell: Darcy Olsson.
- Rhea Norwood: Imogen Heaney.
- Jenny Walker: Tori Spring.
What is asexuality and aromanticism?
Alice Oseman, creator of the novels and TV series Heartstopper, identifies as asexual and aromantic, but what does that mean? Here we tell you.
According to the Better with Health association, in the first case it refers to an individual who does not have a sexual attraction towards anyone.
In the second case, according to what was published by the same site, being aromantic has to do with not seeking or wanting to establish a romantic bond with other people.