/ world today news/ In the last year alone, the number of people who deliberately do not pay their debts has increased 3 times. This was announced yesterday by Raina Mitkova, chairman of the Association of Collection Agencies in Bulgaria.
The increase was found by the study “Payment Habits in Europe” among 200 companies in the field of industry, services and trade, and their turnover varies from 5 to 25 million euros. On the Old Continent, together with the Romanians and the Greeks, we are the most incorrect payers, according to the data from the survey, also conducted in 9 European countries – Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary, France.
Most often in our country, people delay paying their heating and water bills. Unemployment and willful non-payment
are among the main reasons for the pending problems of the citizens. The first circumstance is the reason for non-payment in 35% of cases, and the second has a share of 31 percent, and for the last year it has increased 3 times. In neighboring Greece, unemployment is the reason for non-payment in 30% of cases, and temporary lack of money and the general economic situation are due in 41% and 42% of cases, respectively.
Companies in Bulgaria have 25% delayed payments, and in Romania and Greece they are 24% each. The picture is most optimistic in Germany and France. The Germans have 16% late payments and the French 18%. In Bulgaria and Romania, the receivables written off are 5% each, and in Poland, Spain, Germany and France they are only 2%. In Great Britain, Russia and Greece, however, they are 6 percent each. The share of delayed payments is the highest for companies in the field of trade – 37%, which is above the national average (30%), the study also points out. These are the companies most affected by the current economic situation. It turns out that the Bulgarian business pays after 32 days of delay, and for end customers the term is a little shorter – after 25 days. Merchants wait an average of 33 days after the invoice is due to receive their money.
The main reason we are at the bottom of the fast on-time payment ranking is the lack of cash. Companies do not have the means to pay their counterparties. Industrial companies give the longest terms for deferred payment – 40 days. Second are service companies – with 37 days. The most eager to take their money are the merchants who give only 34 days grace to their customers.
#Bulgarians #deliberately #pay #debts