Home » Business » Lubo Kolovski: Iskrov, go away! – 2024-10-01 06:52:31

Lubo Kolovski: Iskrov, go away! – 2024-10-01 06:52:31

/ world today news/ BNB Governor Ivan Iskrov played another PR circus last night on TV. Maybe to make us see more tomorrow.

It is not clear what prevailed in his words – the fear of future evaluations of his own actions or the illiteracy he demonstrated, despite his high office. Once again, the banker tried to convince us that without a political decision on the issue, KTB will not and cannot open. Perhaps, tomorrow we will know more, when BNT will show us all the greatness of Iskrov.

And now, let me remind you that Stoyan Aleksandrov, Prof. Hristina Vucheva, Emil Hersev, Emilia Milanova are against his opinion on this matter. I can list dozens more experts with a decidedly more professional appearance, forgive me, from the profile and full face of the governor. And these are all names behind which there is competence, experience, routine. They all say there is a solution, they even offer the specific solutions. But from June 19 to this day, the BNB, headed by Iskrov, is deaf and blind, and the SC is in a coma. Iskrov continues to repeat the same thing – a political decision or … for the current shareholders to come, pour a bag of money in the amount of 6.5 billion and transfer it to the accounts in the Central Bank.

There is no doubt that not only do we not trust him, he himself does not.

Because to expect that someone, even a shareholder, will invest in our tortured country, you must first give him SECURITY. It has many dimensions – investment, business, social and even human. If there is no security, then there is nothing. An empty, hollow and dark place is the space without security.

Yesterday, even Boyko Borisov understood and understood this. I hope he is of the same opinion today. Except that it is not understood how GERB will be able to make the state institutions guarantee that until the final decision on KTB, no abuse of the bank’s assets will be allowed. Because some of them have already been sold, others have been converted, and others are in the scheme for structural changes. It is enough to look at the public records.

It is also not clear how those responsible for the state of KTB will be held responsible after the necessary investigation and proof of their guilt. Since with every passing minute we are moving away from the real causes of the problem – the Management Board of the BNB and the Ministry of Finance, headed by Chobanov, as well as the previous Prime Minister Oresharski.

It is high time for the Attorney General to stop giving press conferences and to step into HIS REAL ROLE and speak only with the acts of the prosecution. And enough with Tsvetan Vassilev. Whether the accused is Vassilev, Gunev, Minev, Petrov or someone else, for us as depositors and users of the banking system, there is only one person responsible for the apocalypse at KTB – BNB in ​​the person of its management.

And if Iskrov has forgotten what he said on 06/19/2014, what he said on 06/20/2014, we have not forgotten. It is good for him to open the BNB website and read his own statements. Seen through the prism of today, they mean only one thing: this person never belonged and needs to go very quickly. And if he doesn’t do it himself, already on the first working day of the 43 National Assembly, the new people’s elected representatives must force him. Even with a change in the law, the current one, which gives him more responsibilities than he can bear.

The powdered and sugary interview of Ivan Iskrov on BNT, of which we saw only a small part, was rather grotesque in its ugliest and most distorted forms. The tearful explanations about girls fainting at the computers because of fatigue from a lot of work, as well as the allegedly humiliating work of the management of the BNB, including Iskrov, without rest, do not touch.

I experienced only one thing – disgust and disgust. Probably because I realized that the governor of the central treasury will retain his key position in the country, only because someone elected by us, learned or not, has voted him this endless, unchecked power.

Iskrov, go away! Not just for KTB, but for everything you try to embody.


Lubo Kolovski, journalist.

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