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The hydroelectric plant in China that alters the rotation of the Earth

China It is known for being the technological giant, the cradle of technology and innovation. The Asian country has buildings with unique architectural designs, and it also has the capacity to build gigantic constructionsSuch is the case of the Three Gorges Dam, a work that generates large amounts of energy and helps prevent flooding in the region.

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The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric plant located on the Yangtze River in China, the largest waterway in that country. This construction has been considered the plant largest hydroelectric plant in the world due to its extension and its capacity, since its installed power is 22,500 MW.

The Aqua Foundationa group in charge of defending new sustainable economic, social and environmental models, mentions that, “as it is a renewable source of energythe dam has reduced about 100 million tons of carbon dioxide, a figure that has helped improve the emissions situation in China. Energy generation has also contributed to social and economic developmentsince it has been transported to the eastern coastal areas.”

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Although this is true hydroelectric plant has contributed to improving environmental and economic situations in China, it has also caused alterations in world weather. The Three Gorges Dam changed the rotation of the earth.

IFLScience, a popular science magazine, mentioned that this work is “the largest hydroelectric plant in the world, one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects ever made, it has been capable of affecting the rotation of the Earth.”

The dam slightly altered the Earth’s inertiaa factor that directly affects its rotation, thus causing a slowdown in the time in which the planet takes to rotate on itself, that is, time during the day will advance a little slower.

According to the NASAthe Three Gorges Dam, has caused the Earth to alter its rotation, resulting in an increase of 0.06 thousandths of a second. Although it is small, this effect caused the Earth’s pole to move about 2 centimeters.

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