Tomorrow, thousands of students from different institutions of higher education in Colombia will face one of the most important tests in their academic life: the Saber Pro exams aimed at measuring the quality of higher education in the country, assesses the inherent and specific abilities that students acquire during their university education.
At Areandina, we reaffirm our commitment to quality education and recognize the challenge that these exams represent for young people, especially in regions like Cesar. According to the Regional Competitiveness Index, Cesar is in position 22 out of 33 in the quality of education, with a score of 4.11. This result calls us to reflection and, above all, to action.
We cannot remain silent about this fact. For this reason, from our institution, we have redoubled efforts to strengthen the training of our students, identifying areas for improvement and providing tools to improve the abilities assessed in Saber Pro. first semester, our students have diagnostic assessments, courses, workshops to reinforce and drills that allow them to measure their progress and improve continuously.
However, we face an additional challenge: the lack of interest and enthusiasm of some students. It is worrying that some young people do not appreciate the importance of these tests, even going so far as not to take them. Saber Pro exams are not only an indicator of institutional quality, but are also critical to employability. Demonstrating skills and abilities is essential to access the job market in an increasingly competitive environment.
Education is a commitment that includes everyone. For this reason, I make a special call to parents, teachers and society in general to join our young people and encourage them. They are the present and the future of our land, and we need to surround them with support in a world full of distractions that often take them away from what is really important.
Finally, I invite the community and the authorities to be vigilant around the educational institutions where the tests will be conducted, to guarantee an appropriate environment. The noise of the celebration should not be an obstacle for our young people to aim and do their best in this important opportunity.
By: Gelca Gutiérrez Barranco
President of the University Foundation Valledupar Andean District Headquarters