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Early diagnosis of ADHD in children prevents self-esteem problems, insecurity and addictions

He Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) It can affect 18% of children in the school stage and will be Origin of problems related to low self-esteem and insecurity during adolescence and adulthoodHowever, early diagnosis and subsequent treatment has a positive impact and can prevent these risks from childhood, according to the Dr. Pilar de Castrospecialist of Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology from the University of Navarra Clinic.

During a meeting CUN Healthy Forum Regarding the prevention and treatment of ADHD in children, Dr. de Castro noted that “with the diagnosis, The important thing is to address the problem without fear, because this disorder can be cured.“If not addressed properly, it can lead to a person giving up on their life goals, having mental health problems or developing addictions in the future.”

“The main symptom of ADHD is a lack of concentration, both at specific moments and on a sustained basis. In addition, it can cause hyperactivity, problems controlling movements or lack of memory,” recalled the director of the same meeting. Dr. Alberto Viecospecialist of Department of Pediatrics from the Clinic.

The manuals for diagnosing ADHD establish that the patient must show symptoms for six months, and that these must occur before the age of 12. “When the child presents problems in the educational, family or social environment, and there has been no positive result with previous pedagogical strategies, it is time for parents to approach a specialist in Psychiatry or Neuropediatrics,” said Dr. Vieco.

Dr. Pilar de Castro also stressed the importance of seeking a professional opinion: “When a child causes problems in the classroom or needs help that goes beyond what is usual, it is important for specialists to see if this situation affects their self-esteem, their interpersonal relationships, or the learning appropriate to their age.”

High hereditary component

ADHD is an inherited disorder in 75% of cases and is caused by a functional disorder of dopamine and noradrenaline, neurotransmitters located in the front part of the brain and responsible for sustained attention, impulse control and the decision to perform or reject a certain action. “After diagnosing the child, it is very common to detect the disorder in another family member. Through different forms, ADHD can occur in an impulsive child, a hyperactive grandmother or a brother with addictions,” explained Dr. de Castro.

In families where one of the children has this disorder, the risk for the other siblings increases from 5% of the general population to 30 or 40%, and increases eightfold if one of the parents has it. Experts point out that, depending on whether or not the disorder has been treated in time, in 60% of cases the symptoms may persist into adulthood in a mild or moderate degree. “With timely treatment, patients reach adulthood with mature brain networks, so they can be taken off medication and discharged from the hospital,” concluded Dr. de Castro.

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