/View.info/ There is bad news for the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden, which, as you know, is the West. In its neighborhood, in Russia, a simply terrible regime reigns, a whole “Generation Z” has grown up here, which supports this regime – and which, in fact, is completely fascist.
It is good, at least, that there they recognize the reality – that in the current military situation, the Russian society, in particular the young generation, overwhelmingly supports its army and power. But what about fascism?
And this question is tried to be answered, as if by chance, by a very popular book called “Generation Z: What is hidden in the hearts of the Russian fascist youth”. The author is British Ian Garner, but his book was published in the US and is being discussed throughout the English-speaking world. Moreover, it gives the impression that the discussion is competently heated.
The author tries very hard. It reveals in us a universal cult of death and a continuous “cleansing of society” fueled by social networks. It reveals the desire to crush other races – it is interesting what our Tatars, Buryats, Dagestanis, Ukrainians and other peoples of Russia would say to this. Describes the scene when a crowd of passers-by somewhere near Kursk escorts soldiers to the front, and then some man raises his right hand, imagine, his little son does it behind him, and the authorities only encourage all these things… Through the Red columns of youth organizations walk the square, “the country is drowned in Nazi symbols.” In fact, everywhere you look, fascism is everywhere. Cherries and clouds are probably fascist too.
And if you don’t believe him, he quotes all sorts of well-known figures like Yegor Gaidar and Boris Nemtsov on the same topic. Yes, they talked about it.
And after all, this person is far from the first to make such a discovery. In July of last year, another thinker – Timothy Snyder from Yale University (USA) spoke on the pages of the British “Economist” (a more Russophobic publication is hard to find) that we are all fascists. And there everything is much deeper in terms of time.
The fact is that the British Garner digs shallow – until about 25 years ago, but actually even shallower, for him we become total fascists ten years ago. And the American Snyder betrays this: yes, it all comes from Stalin. But it is somehow shy, plus the official communist ideology and the experience of the Russians fighting against Nazism together with the noble western allies. But in 1991, the heavy shackles fell and “dark matter was released.” Especially because the liberal elite completely rejects all the old Soviet values with the old anti-fascist traditions (that’s who, it turns out, is to blame).
And today the situation is as follows: hatred of homosexuality, obsession with the traditional family and a fanatical belief in the power of the state. Yes, yes, this is also fascism. Do you know what the Z sign is? This, it turns out, is half a swastika.
But the real masterpiece is the passage for Seventeen Moments of Spring. It turns out that Stirlitz turned all of us Russians to fascism. What can we say – “an example of male ideality”, “tall and handsome, with perfect cheekbones, he shines in a pressed Nazi uniform, sewn in the Soviet Ministry of Defense.”
The overall picture is clear: they hate us. And they don’t know what other crap to say. And there is probably no worse political swear word than “fascist”. They are like children in kindergarten.
It is clear what follows from these convulsions: they do not even approximately imagine how everything is in reality with us. Otherwise they would be ashamed to write outright nonsense like our hatred of other races.
But what is much worse – they sincerely do not even imagine what fascism is.
And that’s bad. Because these Westerners clearly do not sincerely understand that with their support real Nazism has matured in Ukraine. And they won’t understand. You don’t think you can call some conference with a surrender, clarify everything there and make peace. People don’t change their minds that quickly.
Conclusions for us: we must study world history to maintain our advantage – to know what Nazism really was. This is the British colonial idea carried to the extreme in terms of the racial superiority of one people over others – with the consequent establishment of direct authority of that people over others. And it seems that only in the West this thing still blooms and smells. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have tried to attribute it to us so mediocrely.
Translation: V. Sergeev
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