“Regarding the transparency criteria, in the discussion that has taken place so far, no one wanted and does not want to exclude any of the candidates. Therefore, I do not understand why there was this tension in the previous days. Normally the candidates on their own initiative should want clear rules” Thanasis Theocharopoulos emphasized in his speech to the Central Committee of SYRIZA.
The member of the Political Secretariat may have expressed himself in the past with rather harsh characterizations against Stefanos Kasselakis, but he clarifies that there is no attempt to exclude anyone from the electoral process:
“Repeat. All will be judged on base. A motion of censure was made because Kasselakis did not agree to go to the base. The censure has passed, now we will go to the base” he characteristically said…
Of course, he clearly opposed the characterizations adopted by Kasselakis supporters for two weeks:
“We must be clear today on this and decide as K.E. that insulting reports against the personality of executives and members of the party and even about collective decisions of the bodies, such as “hooded men”, “coups”, “deversions” etc. as well as attitudes and actions that target parliamentarians and party officials are absolutely reprehensible and have nothing to do with the Left.”
Thanasis Theocharopoulos’ speech at the KE in detail:
“At the previous meeting, the motion of censure was upvoted and therefore it is our collective decision that Stefanos Kasselakis has been fired for everything he has said about the “black funds”, for the continuous construction of internal enemies, the targeting of executives, the division of the party and the parliamentary group , the purges, the liquidation proposals of the party, the production of introversion and parapolitics.
This is now the position of our party.
After the motion of impeachment was passed, the situation worsened with the ousted president. Hoods, diversion, coups, executive targeting and new character assassinations.
We must be clear today on this and decide as K.E. that insulting reports against the personality of executives and members of the party and even about collective decisions of the bodies, such as “hooded men”, “coups”, “deversions” etc. as well as behaviors and actions that target MPs and party officials are absolutely reprehensible and have nothing to do with the Left.
Regarding the schedule and the Conference, I agree with the main recommendation as the procedures should not be fast track or slow track.
There has been a great deal of discussion about the conditions, we have reached a proposal from the political secretariat which correctly states that “the nomination is carried out in accordance with the principles and values of the Left, the provisions of the statute and the decisions of the collective bodies”.
The number of signatures should not change, it should remain 30 as last time so that there is no suspicion that someone wants to exclude someone or something. At the moment, only the Kasselakis side has requested an increase in signatures to 50. Regarding the transparency criteria, in the discussion that has taken place so far, no one wanted and does not want to exclude any of the candidates. Therefore, I do not understand why there was this tension in the previous days. Normally self-initiated candidates should want clear rules.
I repeat all and all will be judged on the basis. A motion of censure was made because Kasselakis did not agree to go to the base. The censure is over, now we’re going to the base.
Finally, the goal must be to make SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance strong again in order to play a decisive role in the restructuring of the progressive space with the aim of dealing with the dangerous for society Mitsotakis government”.
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#Theocharopoulos #wanted #disqualify #candidate #Behavior #targeting #executives #reprehensible