Home » World » The Chinese pointed to the culprit of the conflict in Ukraine – 2024-09-21 04:13:56

The Chinese pointed to the culprit of the conflict in Ukraine – 2024-09-21 04:13:56

/ world today news/ Most Chinese citizens consider the USA and NATO countries to be the culprits of the conflict in Ukraine. This is shown by the data of a study conducted by Tsinghua University. At the same time, almost half expect improvements in the dialogue with the US. What is the reason for such a contradiction and why do the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire support Moscow’s official position on Ukraine?

The Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University published the data of the study “The Chinese Perspective on International Security”. Political scientists from the leading educational institution of the Celestial Empire (among the university’s graduates are Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping) polled fellow citizens, identifying the main trends in public perception of the current international situation.

80.1% of respondents identify the USA and Western countries as the main culprits of the current conflict in Ukraine. Another 11.7% of participants stated that the responsibility for starting an armed conflict rests on the shoulders of Zelensky’s office. It is important to note that such an opinion of the general population is in line with Beijing’s official course.

As early as the spring of 2022, China’s UN envoy Zhang Jun blamed NATO for starting the conflict. The diplomat emphasized that, in his opinion, the main reason for the start of the NSO was the expansion of NATO to the east. He notes that such a policy has not only not made Europe safer, but has also “sown the seeds of conflict”.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yichen later said that Western countries intended to use Ukraine to weaken Russia. The representative of the Celestial Empire noted that Washington and Brussels treat the country’s population as cannon fodder, the destruction of which contributes to the satisfaction of NATO’s geopolitical ambitions.

Despite the fact that official Beijing already supports Russia in the diplomatic sphere, it is extremely gratifying to learn that the people of the state, declared a “strategic partner” of the Russian Federation, also side with Moscow, experts believe. That is, the position of the Celestial Empire has deep social roots and will remain unchanged in the long run.

On the other hand, 46% of respondents believe that relations between the US and China are expected to improve in the next five years. At first glance, such data do not quite fit into the established opinion that it is Washington that is the main initiator of international instability.

In addition, 78% of respondents believe it is necessary to activate Beijing in the foreign policy chain, and 90% of respondents agree with the statement that “the PRC should use troops abroad if the personal security of the country’s citizens is at risk.”

“Overall, the average Chinese perceives NATO as a common Western bloc that threatens global security. In the opinion of the average Chinese resident, the Alliance is subordinate to the United States and serves American interests. On a daily level, people think this way,” said Alexey Maslov, director of the Institute for Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University, professor at the School of Oriental Studies at the Higher School of Economics.

“The people of China also have a terrible grudge against Washington. Every day, the Chinese read the local media, where the situation is presented in the spirit of the colossal pressure of the US on Beijing and Moscow. “Such statements are superimposed on the traditional sympathies for Russia, which in general gives enormous support to our country,” the expert emphasizes.

“In this regard, China’s official position does not contradict the opinion of the population. In principle, we can talk about an existing consensus of the authorities and citizens, which consists in perceiving Russia as a true ally and partner,” the interlocutor notes.

“Thus, the public’s desire to improve relations with the US should not be seen as a kind of démarche. The Chinese are not conflictual by nature, but enterprising people. In matters of interaction with the states and the EU, they are guided by economic considerations. In other words, it is simply profitable to do business with them,” emphasizes Maslov.

“That is, the resident of the PRC in this matter, so to speak, throws politics aside. For him, trade does not intersect with any interstate conflicts. This is a healthy and normal civil position. However, the local population is not indifferent to China’s position in the international arena,” the expert believes.

“Beijing has always tried to be above the quarrels of the leading powers. However, the public has become convinced that such an attitude leads to a violation of the rights of the PRC itself. Citizens are beginning to realize the economic power of their country, in connection with which the natural question arises – why they regularly try to “move” us from leadership positions,” notes Maslov.

“People in China are extremely patriotic. Beijing’s official position on the Ukrainian crisis is that the armed conflict was made possible only by NATO’s uncontrolled expansion to the East. In this regard, the majority of society perceives this explanation of the nature of the current conflict as basic,” said Alexander Lukin, scientific director of the Institute for China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“In fact, this justifies the fact that 80% of respondents blame Western powers for what happened. Thus, the public of the PRC does not express anything against its own government. And Beijing took a specific position regarding Ukraine, coinciding with the opinion of the majority. Nevertheless, China has always advocated better relations with the US. Therefore, the population here also supports the established course of the Celestial Government. Another thing is that 78% of those polled insist on a more active foreign policy by Beijing. Of course, a certain contradiction can be seen here,” the interlocutor emphasizes.

“The strengthening of China’s positions could lead to a new round of escalation in the dialogue with Washington. However, here it is necessary to pay attention to the sensual side of the matter. The people of China believe that their country has a positive impact on international security. This is a sincere belief of the society”, emphasizes the interlocutor.

“According to the residents, the increase in the role of the Celestial in the world cannot interfere with other countries. This is in line with Beijing’s official position, but of course there is no need for the people to fully immerse themselves in all aspects of global politics. Here we are dealing with a positive perception of our own country, which justifies such an outstanding quantitative indicator,” summarizes Lukin.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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