Home » Sport » They capture fake soldiers with more than a ton of cocaine and an arsenal of weapons in Valle del Cauca – RÍO NOTICIAS

They capture fake soldiers with more than a ton of cocaine and an arsenal of weapons in Valle del Cauca – RÍO NOTICIAS

In an operation against drug trafficking and organized crime, the Colombian authorities have captured eight people who were members of the National Army. The capture was made on the road that connects Andalusia with Cerritos, near the town of Obando, Valle del Cauca.

The detainees, who were wearing military uniforms, were caught by a Transit Police checkpoint. During the search of the vehicle, the authorities found more than a ton of cocaine hydrochloride, an arsenal that included seven rifles, a pistol, ammunition and nearly 100 million pesos in cash.

Colonel Santiago Garavito, head of the Valle Police Department, explained that the suspicious attitude of the detainees and the uncertain answers during the interview were fundamental to dismantle the operation. Preliminary investigations indicate that the cargo was destined for the Antioquia region, where those who were captured planned to carry out attacks against the civilian population and the public force.

2024-09-18 04:44:19
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