Player Awards – 2. Softball Bundesliga
MVP: Lea Dibiasi (Feldkirch Falcons)
Best Pitcher: Viktoria Mayr (Attnang Athletics)
Best Batter: Sarah Hollis (Attnang Athletics)
Rookie of the Year: Nina Dittrich (SG Crazy Chicklets/Vienna Metrostars)
Gold Gloves:
P: Matilda Gantner (Vienna Wanderers 2)
C: Miriam Gubo (Attnang Athletics)
1B: Anna Prantl (Feldkirch Falcons)
2B: Lara Bentz (Vienna Wanderers 2)
3B: Matilda Gantner (Vienna Wanderers 2)
SS: Sarah Hollis (Attnang Athletics)
LF: Florentine Aistleitner (Feldkirch Falcons)
CF: Carlotta Schoch (SG Crazy Chicklets/Vienna Metrostars)
RF: Viola Tavernaro (Attnang Athletics)
Silver Sluggers:
P: Annika Pichler (Dornbirn Indians 2)
C: Miriam Gubo (Attnang Athletics)
1B: Anna Prantl (Feldkirch Falcons)
2B: Simone Hartmann (Feldkirch Falcons)
3B: Matilda Gantner (Vienna Wanderers 2)
SS: Nina Dittrich (SG Crazy Chicklets/Vienna Metrostars)
LF: Zainab Azzam (Vienna Wanderers 2)
CF: Petra Kaserova (Attnang Athletics)
RF: Karin Ratzacher (Pee Wee’s St. Pölten)
Congratulations to all the winners!
The final tournament of the 2nd SBL will take place next weekend in Attnang-Puchheim. On September 20th and 21st, the Attnang Athletics, the Feldkirch Falcons, the Vienna Wanderers 2 and the Pee Wees St. Pölten will fight for the championship title in the second highest Austrian league.
All information about the schedule and results can be found at: