Today is the day of St. Cyprian, but not only of the Bulgarian cleric, but also of St. hieromartyr Cyprian, who was a pagan, a native of Antioch in the third century. As a child he was given to serve the pagan gods. He studied magic and healing arts on Mount Olympus and also in Babylon. Mastered the wisdom of pagan philosophy and became skilled in sorcery. Skilled at summoning evil spirits, saw the prince of darkness, conversed with him, and received from him as a gift a regiment of demons for servants. Cyprian was honored by the pagans as a high priest who taught them the art of magic.
However, he met a beautiful virgin Justina, who was baptized and spent her days in fasting and prayer. He wanted her as a wife. However, she refused him. Then an enraged Cyprian sent pestilence and pestilence to her family and to the city where she lived, but was defeated by the power of her prayers.
He felt through her the power of the sign of the cross and invoked the name of Christ to protect them from the attack of enemies and demons. In deep repentance, Cyprian asked a bishop to burn all his magical books.
The next day he turned to the bosom of the church with a request to receive holy baptism. He became honest and righteous, and with great strength and fervent faith in Christ he tried to atone for all his sins. He was soon ordained a bishop. Saint Justina retired to a monastery.
After learning of the miraculous transformation of Cyprian from a priest of witchcraft into a saint, to this day Christians often resort to Cyprian’s prayers to pray against witchcraft and unclean spirits.
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