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Marius Borg Høiby, son of Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, has been arrested

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Sight… Louise Martin is a TV addict who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Meilleur Pâtissier… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks hold no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little pleasure cou

Accused of physical and psychological violence against a young woman, the son of Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, Marius Borg Høiby, was arrested by local police for violating a restraining order put in place by the courts.

Marius Borg Høiby, son of Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, has been arrested

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The Norwegian royal family is currently rocked by a scandal. On August 4, 2024, Princess Mette-Marit’s son, Marius Borg Høiby, was accused of physical and psychological violence against a young womanwhose identity has been kept secret until now. His mother spoke out for the first time on the subject on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, after a long silence. She simply indicated that she did not wish to do “no comments yet, out of respect for those involved in the case, including Marius“. However, this case took a new turn just three days later. Indeed, the Norwegian police officially announced in a press release that they had arrested the Crown Princess’s eldest son. He had in fact violated a restraining order put in place by the local justice system.

“In early September, the police received information that Marius Høiby had, on several occasions, made unwanted contact with the woman who has victim status in the incident […] from August 4th”was written in the famous press release. The Norwegian police further revealed that “Marius Høiby had raped” to the victims. “It was therefore decided to stop him because of the risk of reoffending.”local authorities finally concluded. For its part, BFMTV reported that the Norwegian policenow suspects” the son of Princess Mette-Marit “to have committed wrongdoings against three other people“. He is said to have committed domestic violence against two women and made threats against another person.

Marius Borg Høiby says he has been fighting “drug addiction for a long time”

After his arrest and indictment in early August, two of his former girlfriends accused him of subjecting them to physical and psychological violence.“, the news channel said. Questioned about this affair by the Norwegian magazine See and HearMarius Borg Høiby spoke out about the accusations against him.Last weekend, something happened that should never have happened. I committed bodily harm and destroyed objects in an apartment. (…) I have been struggling with drug addiction for a long time, something I have been in treatment for in the past. I will now resume treatment and take it very seriously.”declared the eldest son of the Crown Princess of Norway.

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