Oliver Garcia.- In Hidalgo, 953 people who worked in the Insabi scheme and during the Covid-19 pandemic were established, according to information from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
“The documents are received and reviewed so that these people can continue helping, but also so that they can do so with job security in the IMSS-Bienestar program,” said the head of the organization, Zoé Robledo.
According to federal statistics, 53,623 health workers were established in the country in the first stage. 476 hospitals and 10,501 establishments were transferred. Currently, IMSS-Bienestar operates in 23 federal entities.
Adults who wish to go to the nearest IMSS-Bienestar clinic must present CURP, birth certificate, and official identification such as a passport or INE.
First, the patient must go to the clinic and, if the condition requires it, the patient will be referred to receive secondary care, that is, in a hospital. The system’s website has a map available and the location of the nearest service to carry out the registration and credentialing process.