JAKARTA – The year 2024 has become a historical momentum in the music industry. After Oasis’ landmark announcement, now Linkin Park is making a splash by appointing a new vocalist.
It’s not Hayley Williams or Amy Lee, the replacement for Chester’s role as the first person is Emily Armstrong. She is a singer from the band Dead Sara known for their punk and grunge music.
With the announcement of Emily’s entry, along with drama player Colin Brittain, Linkin Park released a new single The Emptiness Machine. Mike Shinoda’s new work after seven years has become something refreshing.
However, not all fans agree with Emily’s presence as a singer. Some hardline fans can’t get over Chester Bennington who is so iconic.
“It’s like hearing the cover song, because he’s not Chester,” one Linkin Park fan posted on Instagram. “I don’t like him. Sorry, he sounds bad. There’s no substitute for Chester’s voice, charisma, and energy.”
Despite this, it can be said that the number of positive comments dominates more. They realized that Emily was not Chester, and it was a new era. Without intending to replace her predecessor, Emily is a figure that will continue to fight to defend with the extended family of Linkin Park.
“Emily, welcome to the Linkin Park family. We love you,” fans said. “Chester must be seeing you with a smile from over there,” another said. “I hope the Linkin Park fans treat her well. He has a great voice and will continue our band’s journey. Mike is still here so all is well,” fans hoped.
Meanwhile, Linkin Park with a new lineup will hold a world tour. The schedule will start in Los Angeles on September 11 and will continue in New York, Hamburg, Londo, Seoul and Bogota.
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