Kindness is the greatest act that makes a person feel good in this world. This is, in fact, the greatest capital that a person can make for his spirituality, an intangible spiritual investment. Doing good to someone, doing a good deed is wonderful food for human spirituality. We feed our physical body by eating, but when our spiritual body is hungry, we are reluctant to feed it. However, kindness is the food of the soul, by feeding it we are really doing ourselves a favour. Just as we find comfort when our body is satisfied, we feel the same comfort when our soul is satisfied. That is, doing good makes us happy.
It is good for our health to do good, to help others, to be a good person. Because both those who do good, those who are good, and those who see this good find happiness in this process. Whether you do a good deed, are you treated well, or are you a witness to the good done to someone else, in all three cases, from our mind. oxytocin hormone is secreted. This hormone reduces fear, anxiety and stress, while increasing feelings of calm and safety. Oxytocin, known as the love hormone, is also known to lower blood pressure, help improve overall heart health, and increase self-confidence. This hormone also increases our body’s sense of hope and compassion and connection in relationships.
Also, when we do good deeds, when we do good deeds, it is released in our brain, usually after sports endorphins The hormone is secreted and this hormone performs the function of reducing pain in the human body. In addition, doing good reduces stress, which is one of the most dangerous reactions in our body, thus protecting against stress-related diseases. Immediately in the body of a person who does good deeds serotonin begins to be mysterious. When we do good, our body starts producing serotonin, known as the happy hormone, which has a calming effect. In other words, doing good not only increases happiness, but also lifts people out of depression.
From the beginning of mankind to the present day, he has found every way to find happiness and spiritual comfort. This is how the desire to worship, to help others, to be someone to someone, and to hold the hand of the needy arose. Since kindness began as a sign of humanity, human spirituality has also increased to this day. Kindness creates addiction in a person, if you do it once, you will want to do it all your life. Because at that time endorphin, serotonin and oxytocin hormones are produced in the body making us happy and satisfied, we want to experience this satisfaction many times.
Sometimes our kindness gets us into trouble. We help those we think are in need, who we believe are helpless, without asking for anything, without expecting anything in return, they boast. that they can take advantage of us and deceive us. When we give them the last manat in our wallet, when we send the last money on our card to a stranger, we think that he needs it, and he is happy that he can deceive us .
Like a cat lying dead in front of a butcher’s shop, people waiting for an opportunity in virtual support groups take advantage of our kindness. They earn good income every month by taking advantage of the opportunities available to them. They have fun in the best places and go to the most expensive entertainment centers thanks to the people who are at their mercy and send the last manat to the shared card account. Pure people who think that the money donated is enough to help a veteran, a child, a family are so deceived. When he realizes that he has been deceived, it is unlikely that he will even think of doing kindness. Therefore, they discourage us from doing good deeds, and another joins the ranks of our lost values. People in dire need also fall prey to these frauds.
There are also those who do good and those who follow different goals. Those who do it for their own ranking, those who want to be famous, those who help and turn it to advantage, those who boast their kindness. Each has its own purpose. The part that does it for his own esteem is not good, he pretends to be helpful just to collect “likes” and get comments on his page. There are those who want to be famous, find and publish families in need, turn their need into a show and thus gain fame. There are those who collect donations and help, who use kindness for their own benefit and do it for themselves. There is also a part of people who do charity to give a good image to the environment around them. He is not kind, his heart was not created for good, it is like acting on the stage to do him good. People without goodness inside cannot be kind, they play to the audience.
We see many examples of this today. Especially since social networks have become so embedded in our lives, people live everything there, showing every moment and every step of their life there. Social networks are a fertile platform for people who turn kindness into show and help into theater. The saying “the left hand should not know what the right hand gives” has now lost its power, now the whole country should know what the handle giving so that the owner of that handle can collect “likes” on his page. Kindness has lost its foundation and turned into a propaganda tool.
And there are “kindness” shows on the air. These projects, which claim to support the needy, people, and families after putting them on the air and criticizing them, even insulting them, work for the rating itself. Bringing a big family to the air, suspicious presenters and experts criticize their reproduction while living in poverty, insulting a father with a tall son and daughter in front of his family and millions of viewers , publicly blaming a pregnant woman, talking about planned pregnancies, giving advice on ways to prevent pregnancy, they “help” after they hit from place to place and bring it into the whole country. People help, people send donations to the shared card account. But later, the people from whom the support was collected say that not all that money was given to them, that half of the aid collected was transferred by the program or the presenters. In this way, they create a feeling of mistrust, mistrust and abuse in people.
Kindness is contagious, doing good is a pandemic. Get infected, get infected. Don’t lose this value that makes us who we are, that makes us human. Do not add this to the lost features. The joy and spiritual comfort of doing good work cannot be compared to any other work. Therefore, living conditions that are becoming more difficult day by day, financial problems should not keep us away from doing kindness. The amount, the value, the volume is not important, it is a good act of kindness even if it is the size of a grain of wheat. Kindness is a boomerang, every help we do today, every help we give, will turn around and come back to us again. Maybe the good we are facing today is the result of a kindness we did when we got rid of some mistake, got us out of danger, who knows?!
Lala Mehrali
The article was prepared with the financial support of the Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the framework of the directive “development of national self-awareness of the young generation and raising of patriotic feelings”