Roman Müller (right) from Holzkirchen, who boxes for Rosenheim, had to admit defeat to his opponent Tyler Kittner. © Franz Ruprecht
The last time a boxing match was held in the Auerbräu Festhalle at the Rosenheim Autumn Festival was in the early 1990s. The fistfight spectacle took place in the Ochsenbraterei for a good 30 years. Now there has been a big comeback in the large hall.
Rosenheim – The last big boxing matches in the entire large Inntalhalle as part of the Rosenheim Autumn Festival are documented in the early 1990s. Then the tent extension with the ox roasting area was added – and the boxers were escorted out of the Inntalhalle and banished there. But many good national and international boxing matches were also held here over three decades.
“Miss Autumn Festival” in the ring
In the meantime, the event has returned to the large hall, this time organized by DJK Bavaria Rosenheim. On the first Sunday of the Oktoberfest, the loyal boxing audience in the Auerbräu-Festhalle was treated to a comparison match against a reinforced team from the BoxClub Landau. After two clubs canceled at short notice, seven fights in the men’s elite class and one fight in the men’s U17 semi-middle class took place. “Miss Autumn Festival” Maria Berger entered the ring and was greeted with a bouquet of flowers by the first chairwoman Günter Ziegler. She then beat the first round in the preliminary program; there were two “demonstration fights” to watch. Since the German champion Katja Volosovska in the U15 flyweight class could not find an opponent anywhere in Germany, a sparring match was scheduled with the new talent Sayed Safi in the U15 paperweight class. Since no judges are allowed to be present here, the audience clearly decided in favor of the German champion by “clapping”. Another very interesting sparring match in the preliminary program took place in the youth middleweight division up to 75 kilograms between Nikita Sviatchenko (Landau) and Linas Aronaitis (1880 Munich) due to a difference in birth year of more than two years. The audience decided on a draw.
Khalid Hotek from Altötting (right) won in the Rosenheim dress against Roman Akbar. © Franz Ruprecht
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A fascinating exchange of blows
Due to time constraints, all of the men’s main fights were over a distance of three times two minutes. Also worth mentioning here is the first fight between Ali Khaliqi from DJK Bavaria and Marcel Szantosch in the U17 light middleweight class, which the Innstadt native was able to clearly win after an impressive exchange of blows.The other results – DJK Bavaria always mentioned first: Elite middleweight Vincent Sperr PN (= point loss) over Tobi Hammer; Elite middleweight Marcel Fratz PS (= point victory) over Tado Pejinovic; Elite light middleweight Robin Hashemi PS over Martin Leskaj; Elite welterweight Khalid Hotek PS over Roman Akbar; Elite light heavyweight Bayat Hossein PS over Gregory Filippov; Elite middleweight Roman Müller PN over Tyler Kittner; Elite lightweight Nasrat Haidari PN over Timo Sariyev. The comparison fight thus ended 10:6 for DJK Bavaria Rosenheim.
After many years of service in retirement
It is gratifying that around a third of the hall space in the completely renovated Auerbäu Festival Hall was once again available for boxing. This paid off with the attendance of almost 800 spectators. At the beginning of the boxing matinee, referee Franz Germ (Munich) was awarded the German Boxing Association’s Silver Badge of Honor by the Bavarian State Sports Officer Franz Santl. Ring doctor Dr. Elisabeth Schloßer is retiring after many years of service. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a gift by Günter Ziegler. (right)