Home » World » Salerno, in Sant’Eustachio wild boars among the waste

Salerno, in Sant’Eustachio wild boars among the waste

The return wild boars a Saint Eustace. These are two adults and at least six cubs that, having come down from the hills behind the eastern neighborhood, rummage through garbage cans in search of food. The videos published on social media portray the “little family” as they approach the large condominium garbage containers, destroying the bags, attracted by the smell of food leftovers. By now they also know from the experience they have gained over the years – that where there are garbage cans, there is food to be found.

The “at risk” points

The area of ​​action of the wild boars for the moment is that which goes from Silvio Pellico Street a Ciro Menotti Street and which borders the hilly area covered by vegetation that slopes down from Giovi and with several watercourses available. In the past years, the largest and most numerous wild boars have even reached the shoulders of via Fratelli Bandierastill in Sant’Eustachio, where there is a municipal playground that had been abandoned: once cleaned up under the pressure of protests from residents, the animals disappeared and the insects became much less present.


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– 2024-08-31 14:11:52

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