The unfortunate incident occurred according to the website TMZ Sunday afternoon on the beach in Barbate, Spain. The original information spoke of drowning, but according to the authorities, the cause of the actor’s death was cardiac arrest. Ortega collapsed on the shore of the sea and, despite a lifeguard’s half-hour effort to resuscitate him, he was unfortunately pronounced dead at the scene. Third party culpability was ruled out.
Czech viewers know the actor mainly thanks to the popular Spanish youth series Elita, which was filmed between 2018 and 2024. Ortega appeared in several episodes as the manager of the La Cabana restaurant.
The likable Spaniard inherited his acting talent from his mother, Gloria Munozová (76). She recently appeared, for example, in the new series of Eva Longoriová (49) The land of women.
Julian Ortega (†41)
Author: Instagram