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Islamic scholar: Many loopholes for rejected asylum seekers

Less than a week after the suspected Islamist attack in Solingen, the German government has apparently agreed on concrete measures. The focus is on refugees for whom another EU state is actually responsible under the Dublin principle – as in the case of the Syrian Issa Al H., who is said to have stabbed three people and injured eight others at the Solingen town festival.

“Dreamland” for refugees?

Susanne Schröter thinks the quick political reaction is right. The Islamic scholar heads the “Frankfurt Research Center for Global Islam” and describes Germany as a “dream country for refugees” because the benefits are comparatively high and the risk of deportation is low.

How can integration work better?

If the political goal is to reduce the number of refugees, it is right to focus on the so-called “pull factors”. This is the only way to make integration more successful, said Schröter in an interview with SWR Aktuell presenter Arne Wiechern. She would also demand a much greater willingness to integrate from refugees: “We cannot build a multicultural immigration society that works for everyone if there is not a minimum level of consent.”

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