The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is often used in technical analysis to determine whether a security can be considered “overbought” or “oversold” by comparing the upward and downward movements over a certain period of time. In the case of First Mid Bancshares, the short-term RSI over the past seven days shows a value of 17.05 points, indicating that the stock is considered oversold and hence receives a “Good” rating. In contrast, the 25-day RSI is neutral; this means that the stock is neither considered overbought nor oversold on this longer basis, resulting in a “Neutral” rating. Overall, First Mid Bancshares thus receives a “Good” rating for this analysis.
However, public sentiment and interest in First Mid Bancshares have deteriorated in recent weeks. Analysis of online communication shows that the stock receives a “Poor” rating in this context. In addition, the strength of discussion measures the activity of market participants on social media, where no exceptional activity has been recorded for the stock in the past four weeks. Therefore, a “Neutral” rating is also given here, resulting in an overall rating of “Poor” for this category.
In terms of dividends, First Mid Bancshares currently has a dividend yield of 2.83 percent, which is below the industry average of 127.97 percent. The deviation from similar companies in the commercial banking industry is -125, which leads to a “Poor” rating in this category.
The analysts’ assessment of First Mid Bancshares is positive overall. In the last 12 months, a total of two “Good” ratings and no neutral or bad ratings were given, resulting in an overall rating of “Good”. However, there are currently no new analyst updates on the stock. The analysts’ average price target for First Mid Bancshares is USD 35, which corresponds to a decrease of around 12.7 percent compared to the last price of USD 40.09. Based on this forecast, the stock is rated “Bad” in this respect. Overall, the analysts’ analysis therefore leads to a neutral rating for First Mid Bancshares.
Buy, hold or sell First Mid Illinois Bancshares?
How will First Mid Illinois Bancshares develop now? Is it worth getting in or should investors sell? You can find out the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the current First Mid Illinois Bancshares analysis.
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