The Deputy Prime Minister responded to a question from one of the participants from Wielkopolska, who expressed his doubts after voting for Trzecia Droga, apologizing for his choice. The participant indicated that supporting the candidate Ewa Schaedler also meant support for Jacek Tomczak from PSL, who previously compared LGBT people to zoophilia.
Kosiniak-Kamysz reassured the participant, assuring that his vote was not wasted, because Schaedler won the parliamentary seat. The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that if Polska 2050 and Szymon Hołownia ran separately, the opposition could be too fragmented, which could result in difficulties in crossing the electoral threshold and further PiS rule.
Proposed changes to the electoral law
The PSL leader suggested that the current electoral system forces the creation of political blocs, which does not always reflect the full spectrum of voters’ views. He proposed introducing single-member constituencies as a solution to the problem, although he admitted that this could lead to the creation of only two large political blocs.
Kosiniak-Kamysz spoke in favour a mixed system combining elements of a majority system with single-member constituenciesi. Such a system, in his opinion, could effectively change the current political system.
Unfair division of districts
The Deputy Prime Minister drew attention to the injustice of the current division of electoral districts. For example, in Warsaw, where there are 20 seats to be won, the electoral threshold is much lower than in Częstochowa, where there are only 7 seats to be won, and the real threshold is 12-13 percent of support.
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Kosiniak-Kamysz emphasized that changing the electoral law is a challenge for the current coalition, but he is determined to take on this task. “We will undertake to change the electoral law to ensure greater participation and greater direct democracy,” he declared.