A divided world, a bold visionary – the two-part political thriller begins with the unstoppable rise of Alfred Herrhausen to the top of Deutsche Bank in the late 1980s. The award-winning Oliver Masucci shines in the title role of the powerful business boss who fell victim to a bomb attack in November 1989, three weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which remains unsolved to this day. The meticulously researched screenplay by Grimme and Film Award winner Thomas Wendrich condenses the story of Herrhausen’s downfall. The excellent cast includes Julia Koschitz as the wife, August Zirner as the mentor, Sascha Nathan as Helmut Kohl and David Schütter as the assistant, all important confidants of the visionary mastermind.
Frankfurt, 1987. Alfred Herrhausen is reaching for power at Deutsche Bank. With the support of his mentor Christians, he wants to set the course for the future as the bank’s sole spokesman. His colleagues react indignantly to his revolutionary proposal for debt relief for developing countries. Herrhausen not only wants to modernize the bank, but also to shape it politically at a time of East-West conflict. As a supporter of Gorbachev’s reform policy, the Deutsche Bank boss is entering mined territory and making dangerous enemies – from the US secret services to the GDR regime. Warnings from US strategist Kissinger are ignored. Chancellor Kohl knows how to use Herrhausen wisely. He ignores his wife Traudl’s concerns about his health and safety.
Meanwhile, in Lebanon, Al Fahoum is preparing a German-Palestinian commando for an attack. The RAF terrorists around Tania Fehling do not yet know who the target will be…