President Andrés Manuel López Obrador instructed the Legal Counsel of the Federal Executive and the Secretary of the Interior to send a letter addressed to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Norma Piña Hernández, to request that she resolve the file of a tax debt for 35 billion pesos (related to the Salinas Group, which she did not mention). He indicated that there is no reason that prevents them from doing so, since it is not within the assumptions for the exceptions to listing the matter.
In a press conference, López Obrador referred to the strike in the Judiciary, dismissing its repercussions: If they are going to strike, there is no problem. I would ask nothing more of them, and we are going to do it today in writing to the president, who has the package of two fiscal matters of a tax payment of 25 billion pesos (she later corrected herself and mentioned 35 billion pesos).
–This procedure has been on hold for a month now…
–Yes. Let’s see if it is resolved. Without getting ahead of ourselves, because they are the ones who have to decide, constitutionally they do not have to be holding up this ruling that has already been resolved in the corresponding instances.
He told the workers who are protesting that there is no reason to do so, as they will not be harmed by the judicial reform being promoted in Congress, because it is aimed at combating corruption. He made it clear that his government recognizes that they are free to take whatever actions they consider appropriate, regardless of the regulations that govern them, because We do not repress, we are not repressors, because we are not conservatives.
López Obrador joked about the suspension of activities in the Judiciary, because If the judges are not there, the ministers, magistrates, ministers, are not active, at least they will not get criminals out of jail.
He argued that the essence of the reform to combat corruption is to elect judges, magistrates and ministers because this would imply that each of those elected to these positions would owe them to the people, which is very different from other officials or even the President electing them. Currently, many of them obey the interests of economic power, as occurred with the judge who at the time granted injunctions to foreign electric companies, contrary to the general interest.
You go to the offices of judges, magistrates or ministers, not all of them, and in the waiting room there are only upper class people, and lawyers from the most famous offices, and they are the ones who receive you. You will not find in the waiting room of a judge, a magistrate, a minister, a peasant, a worker, a person from the town, no.
he added.
Insisting that these changes will not impact the conditions of rank-and-file workers, he asserted that there is a huge difference between what a worker, an office worker in the Judiciary and also in the Executive, earns and what a senior official in the Executive or Judiciary earns. And it is not just what they earn, but also the concessions, benefits, perks.”
#AMLO #urges #Piña #resolve #tax #debt #files
– 2024-08-27 03:57:49