“Before you go to unnecessary court costs to sue me, first answer how it is that you and Spanos (and before Bakoyannis) have bypassed every rule and financial control procedure for the direct assignments and contracts you sign with each other there in the Sterea Region of Greece”, says Pavlos Polakis in his latest post, responding to Athina Linou and what has been written about her appeal to the Court against the MP of Chania.
The post of Pavlos Polakis
Will you even now feel the decency to give SPECIFIC answers, after the MACHINE you have set up, for the waste of millions of PUBLIC MONEY?
With a vehicle an -indefinite and without specifications- tithe program, which for years some have been making sure to assign you directly, following your suggestion?
Firstly. As we have said before, the possibility or not to sign a program contract does not automatically imply its approval by the Court of Auditors. Nor can it open backdoors to circumvent the transparency and legal tendering procedures required to perform the contract.
Secondly. As far as we know, the obligation to post contracts in KIMDIS has not yet been abolished. So where is posted the Contract for 2023-2024 that the Prevention Institute has signed with the Region of Central Greece, amounting to 1,000,000 euros, of which 900,000 euros have ALREADY been paid? How was it paid for? Who gave the order?
Third and most important. According to the law, the minimum amount of expenses that are controlled by the Court of Audit for the OTAs of the second degree is from 15,000 euros and above, while the expenses arising from contracts with a contractual budget that exceeds these limits are preventively checked, upon submission of the first account, regardless of its amount. Any extensions of these contracts are checked in the same way, as are the costs for grants to legal entities under private law, regardless of the amount.
HOW IS IT SO, Athena Linou and Fani Spane, that the expenses for the FIRST payment of the 2023-2024 Contract have not been audited by the Court of Auditors??? (by the commissioner that is)
Will you at least explain to us this CARABINED ILLEGALITY of yours, which is even reflected on the Payment Order, in the amount of 200,000 euros, for the first installment of the Contract? (photo 3 the warrant, photos 4-5 enlarged the same)
From where and to what extent the Warrant is “Disregarded by the Court of Auditors, based on the p.d. 136/2011”, while it concerns the first account and should be mandatorily checked?
The extension of the specific contract from 18-6-2024, after the schools were closed, did you send it to ElSyn for control, as the law provides??? (photo 6-7-8)
Really, how many more Contracts of millions between you are ILLEGALLY unchecked and how many more expenses are ILLEGALLY overlooked by the Audit Court?
Listen to something to explain:
Whether you declare what you are doing as “direct assignments” (Spanos) or you declare them as “grants” (Linou), what is certain is that your obvious illegalities for bypassing public accounting DEMAND the INDEPENDENT intervention of the Prosecutor. We will be here UNTIL THE END and until you return the MONEY to the PUBLIC FUNDS, where it belongs.
Read also
Letter of 184 members of SYRIZA to refer Athena Linos to the Ethics Committee – All names
Linou: Appeals to Justice – He handed over evidence to Kasselakis
The “87” respond to Kasselakis: He is the one who daily humiliates SYRIZA
Kasselakis on “87”: “There is a plan to humiliate SYRIZA” (Video)
Kasselakis calls for the dismissal of Adonis: “Mitsotakis and Georgiadis share the same lack of empathy”
#Polakis #Linou #unnecessary #court #costs #answer #circumvented #fiscal #control #rule