Social networks were filled with photos of magical sunsets. A rainbow appeared in Prague on Sunday, and as the sun set the landscape was colored in shades of red and orange. Meteorologist Dagmar Honsová stated that the appearance of morning reds due to a large amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is usually a harbinger of worsening weather, most often in the form of a frontal system transition. So we’ll see if we come across the reds in the morning.
“Auroras can occur in most places on earth, the only exception being the polar regions. In Central Europe, the highest occurrence of robins was recorded in 1883 and 1884 after the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano. “Thanks to the large amount of dust and other particles in the atmosphere, red lights were observed in the sky for an hour and a half after sunset,” added Honsová for
Did you also catch the beautiful blushes of Sunday, August 25, 2024? Send them to [email protected].
Sunset in the village of Charvatce, 50 km from Prague.
Author: David Malík