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Einstein’s nightmare – Forum of the Trade Union Left Berlin

Anyone in Germany today who shares Einstein’s opinion of Zionism and uses his words (see article) has to endure exclusion, reprisals and the worst insults such as “terrorist” and “anti-Semitic”. Einstein was Jewish. And it is a Jewish woman who has experienced the record number of arrests in Germany this year – most of them in Berlin! (Peter Vlatten)

06.08.24 – New YorkMark Lesseraux , Pressence

Crazy times

To add to the horror and confusion, there is currently a debate going on in Israel about whether or not it should be legal for Israelis to sexually abuse and torture male and female Palestinian prisoners. To put it simply, the majority of Israelis The statement that the population has gone mad may be true, but it overlooks two looming issues.

1- What conditions existed before October 7, 2023 that allowed almost all of Israel, within a few months, to tolerate mass murder, sexual assault and torture as legal and even “heroic” means of dealing with its Palestinian neighbors?

Blood at the root

In a previous article I spoke about the “condition of origin” of Israel as a state:

“‘A land without a people for a people without a land’ is an expression used by the Zionist movement as early as the mid-19th century. It became a central meme, a battle cry that carried Israel through one clash after another in the first half of the 20th century. Although the saying “A land without a people for a people without a land” is no longer openly used as a slogan by Israelis, it perfectly sums up the core beliefs and underlying drive behind what has driven the Israel project for well over a century…

We hear echoes of Israel’s original meme in other memes that are still in use today. For example, less than a year ago, Ursula von der Leyen, the current EU chief, gave a speech in which she referred to Israel as the nation that “made the desert bloom.” Although it is a slightly more subtle statement than the original Zionist rallying cry, it essentially says the same thing. The saying implies that there was nothing, or next to nothing, there before the Jewish people inhabited the land they took from the Palestinians and now occupy. Webster’s dictionary definitions of a desert include the following: “a) an area without water, seemingly without life, b) a desolate, forbidding area, c) a wild, uncultivated, uninhabited area”…

However you break it down, the above proclamations and the memes just spoken of suggest that the millions of people who happen not to be white Jews live on the land that Israel subsequently violently seized, acre by acre, region by region, over many decades, are dismissive, overtly racist statements. They are Jewish racist rhetoric that blatantly deny the humanity of the millions of Palestinians who inhabited and still inhabit the land that Israel has been violently taking from them for over a century.”

The Jewish State of Israel is and has always been, at its core, an inhumane enterprise based on the pillars of ethnic cleansing, violent land acquisition and now genocide.

Blood on the leaves

Before Israel’s current round of destruction, ethnic cleansing and mass murder began about ten months ago, the 2.1 million Palestinians living in Gaza were subjected to what Israeli authorities jokingly call seasonal “lawn mowings” (the regular bombings, expulsions and torture).

Many of these false arrests were of children, some of whom are now adults and have spent a decade or more in Israeli prisons. For twenty years, the Palestinian population has not been allowed to leave or re-enter Gaza. Imagine two decades of captivity filled with poverty, unemployment, hunger, constant violence and absolutely no prospect of future change.

And compared to the last 10 months, the 20 years outlined above were the good old days.

Master and servant

Despite the United States’ unwavering support for Israel, in reality the national goals of the United States and Israel as separate nations are not as aligned as many people think. To take a glaring recent example, the fact that Netanyahu and Israel had the power to persuade the United States to aid in a blatant genocide while simultaneously bringing it to the brink of war with Iran and Hezbollah is in no way conducive to U.S. national interests.

In fact, the apparent inability of the US leadership to correct in any way Netanyahu’s insanely gigantic push toward an unprecedentedly dangerous regional war in the Middle East has done significant damage to America’s status as a respectable and powerful nation, to the point that in some circles the US is now referred to in street slang as “Israel’s bitch.”

All other customers were put on hold

Moreover, the US and NATO currently lack the ability to adequately defend Israel if Netanyahu gets what he thinks he wants (a multi-front regional war). In fact, this outbreak in the Middle East could not have come at a worse time for the US, which has shifted all of its Patriot missile production to Ukraine. “All other customers have been put on hold.”

Money changes everything

The main reason that Israel and the US are (arguably) more closely connected than ever in the 21st century is that the Israeli lobby now wields unprecedented economic power over the US political system. With the deregulation of campaign finance rules over the past few decades, the lobby’s influence has grown exponentially. To get elected in the 2020s, a US politician, with few exceptions, had to fully align his campaign goals with those of the Israeli lobby.

The point is that the US political system has become so at the mercy of the donor class, particularly the Israeli lobby, that US politicians from both major political parties seem to feel they have no choice but to go along with all Israel dictates. This is now the case to the extent that the US is putting itself in serious existential danger to avoid angering those who write the paychecks of its political class.

*Note that I have repeatedly referred here to the Israeli lobby and not the Jewish lobby. This is because the Israeli lobby consists not only of Jews but also of Christian Zionists, who occupy a prominent place within the entire Israeli lobby. In fact, many Jews are not in favor of Zionism and the policies of the Israeli lobby at all. That is why it is important to make this distinction.

From the river to the sea

I trust that those of you who have read this far have already done all the necessary calculations for yourselves. I will keep my closing statement brief.

I present to you, dear readers:

1) that Israel is a state that was essentially created and built on violence and discrimination, and that they are now, whether they are aware of it or not, destroying themselves with violence and discrimination. In my estimation, the time will soon come when Israel will reap what it has sown so fervently.

2) that Israel has passed the point of no return. To this observer, Israel appears to have closed all remaining windows of possibility for reconciliation. Israel has chosen the path that will ultimately turn against itself and everyone around it.

I tell you here and now that the only real and plausible hope that exists for this region is a completely free Palestinian state, stretching over the entire geographical extent in question, from the river to the sea.

Coda: Albert Einstein’s thoughts on Israel in 1948

“One of the most disturbing political phenomena of our time is the emergence of a political party in the newly created State of Israel … which is very similar in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and fascist parties.” It arose from the membership and followers of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization …

Before irreparable damage is done by financial donations, public rallies in Begin’s name, and the creation of the impression in Palestine that a large part of America supports fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed of the history and goals of these actions, of Mr. Begin and his movement…

This is the unmistakable mark of a fascist party for which terrorism and misrepresentation are the means and for which a “Führer state” is the goal. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to fight Begin’s efforts or even to explain to their own voters the dangers to Israel posed by supporting Begin.”

by the same author Klartext on the subject of terrorism in the Middle East “What would you have done?: The truth about Hamas”

The article was published on 06.8.2024 in Pressenza . We thank for the publication rights.

The author Mark Lesseraux is a singer/songwriter/sociopolitical columnist from Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is a humanist, proponent and practitioner of active nonviolence, and student of nonduality.

Cover photo image from Creative Commons

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