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Association warns of house mosquitoes

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Altenstadt (red). The association for combating the mosquito plague in the Nidderauen points out that in recent days, due to the warm weather, the development of house mosquitoes has begun. Citizens are called upon to take precautionary measures.

In contrast to flood mosquitoes, which develop in meadows, the association cannot combat house gnats, as the breeding grounds of house gnats are usually in the immediate vicinity of homes, such as in rain barrels, drains or disused cesspools. After a blood meal, female house gnats lay their “egg boats” on the water surface. The brood develops through four larval stages and a pupal stage into flying insects, which, after mating, invade houses or become a nuisance in the garden.

The female house mosquitoes suck blood, and are generally attracted to humans. The cycle starts again. The succession of generations leads to mass reproduction. The female mosquitoes overwinter in cellars or frost-proof rooms.

Check regularly

To prevent the plague, the association is asking the public to check all water containers, garden ponds that do not contain fish, and flat roofs for mosquito brood and to take the following measures in good time: remove all unnecessary water containers; cover all water containers, such as rain barrels, so that female mosquitoes cannot bring their eggs to the water surface. Barrels should be emptied regularly so that the brood can reach the dry field; this should be done at least every ten days. Where possible, fish should be put in ponds; fish are the best way to destroy mosquito brood.

If the above measures are not possible, control with Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) is possible. This is a purely biological agent. The Bti tablets are available for a fee of five euros per packet (contains ten tablets) in the town halls of the member communities of Altenstadt, Limeshain, Nidderau and Schöneck.

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