/ world today news/ The NATO summit was closed yesterday in Vilnius. In her communique, China was defined for the first time as a “systemic challenge for Euro-Atlantic security”.
Before the meeting, Ukraine and NATO enlargement were expected to be the main topic, but in the end China also became the focus of attention. This is not surprising, since the North Atlantic Alliance is the largest military alliance and in order to continue to exist it needs an adversary. And history shows that since the end of the Cold War, the determination of such an adversary has always depended on the strategic interests of the United States.
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, for example, has openly admitted that in the future, dealing with the “Chinese threat” will be “an important argument for the existence of NATO”. And the facts really say that today, under the pressure from Washington, NATO is no longer responsible for the security of Europe, but is a defender of American interests.
An example of this is the Ukrainian crisis, which is rooted in NATO’s drive to expand to the East, threatening Russia’s security interests. Since the start of the war, the United States has encouraged NATO member states to provide large quantities of weapons to Ukraine, further complicating the situation.
In truth, it must be said that there are voices of reason within NATO itself. Some countries, including France, insist on the strategic independence of Europe and consider that it is not necessary for the Alliance to have a presence in the Asia-Pacific region through the creation of a representation in Tokyo. However, these voices need to find greater agreement within the organization.
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