The SYRIZA Press Office commented on the Prime Minister’s visit to Penteli, nine days after the disastrous fire of August 11, which burned Attica from Varnavas to Halandri, and the “thousand-said announcements in a new wrapper”.
“He announced studies that will be assigned to OFYPEKA and the forestry services. In other words, it confirmed that until today there were no serious fire protection studies”, he emphasizes.
“Kyriakos Mitsotakis should not pretend to be the well-studied technocrat of excellence when 2.8% of the country has burned under his administration. Let him really roll up his sleeves for once, because otherwise the damage caused by his non-existent fire protection policy will take decades of effort to reverse,” he concludes.
The announcement of the Press Office of SYRIZA-PS
“In a protected environment, with the MAT facing the protesting citizens, with the roads to Penteli closed, Mr. Mitsotakis agreed to visit the burned areas of the capital, more than a week after the devastating fires.
The saddest thing, however, is that Mr. Mitsotakis had nothing tangible to say, other than repeated statements in a new wrapper.
The burnt ones will be cleaned, “special designs” will be made and new “studies” will be made.
– He announced clean-ups within the settlements that were invaded by the fire in the context of the anti-nero program and the emergency grant of the Ministry. Internal to municipalities. Except that the purpose of the “antinero” program is not pruning and cleaning, but the creation of large fire zones to prevent a forest fire from spreading.
– He announced studies that will be assigned to OFYPEKA and the forestry services. That is, he confirmed that until today there were no serious fire protection studies.
– He mentioned the billions for the upgrade of civil protection systems and infrastructures, but he forgets that in the “Aegis” program the progress is slow and backward. The country needs a more ambitious front-loading program that will ensure much more serious means for civil protection and prevention. With transparency and without wasting resources in favor of the government’s agenda.
He even tried once again to put forward “individual responsibility”, referring to supervisory tools, possibilities of controls and sanctions and the policy for land clearings.
The State must, through the anti-nero program, serve its mission of reducing fuel in a forest area.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis should not pretend to be the well-studied technocrat of excellence when 2.8% of the country has burned under his administration. Let him really roll up his sleeves for once, because otherwise the damage caused by his non-existent fire protection policy will take decades of effort to reverse.”
Read also:
Fire in Attica: At the meeting with Mitsotakis, measures that have not been implemented in the past were again decided
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#SYRIZA #Mitsotakis #pretend #wellstudied #technocrat #country #burned #rule