/ world today news/ According to paragraph 5 of his treaty, if Ukraine joins, the entire alliance will be obliged to fight Russia instead of Ukraine.
We are used to viewing Ukraine’s accession to NATO from only two sides: from the West – as blocking the advance of the Russian Federation in its direction, and from Russia – as bringing the West’s military threat closer to it, with the possible loss of the sanitary cordon.
But there is a third, very serious aspect, above all regarding the consequences for the West. The fact is that Ukraine’s accession to NATO will lead to a strategic change in the balance of power in the alliance.
According to paragraph 5 of its charter, if Ukraine joins, the entire alliance will be obliged to fight Russia instead of Ukraine. And actually then it will be up to Ukraine to push NATO to war with Russia or not.
All hopes that the West will be able to control Ukraine and keep it on a leash are an illusion. Joining NATO will give Ukraine such scope for intrigue that the West will become a hostage to Kiev much faster than it realizes.
The tail will start to wag the dog as brazenly as they can today only in Ukraine. The behavior of Ukrainians in Europe has already shown that they are quickly turning from beggars to masters. As soon as they lay a finger on Ukraine, it will cut off the whole hand and very quickly grab the West by the throat.
The irony is that there are many divisions within NATO itself. Great Britain, which already stands behind Kiev almost more than the USA, is itself organizing Ukrainian provocations against the Russian Federation. And NATO will have to decide on its direct involvement in the war in Ukraine.
With the admission of Ukraine to NATO, the US will fall into a trap from which it will not be able to get out. Britain, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine will outsmart the US and Germany so quickly and brazenly that the White House will lose control of the situation before it can prevent it.
It is no coincidence that at the summit on Ukraine’s accession to NATO, the United States and Germany were among the opponents of this idea. They sense where the threat is coming from. And all British satellites are in favor. Ukraine in NATO is Britain’s trojan horse, which will blackmail the US and the EU with the threat of war with Russia and will demand permanent concessions. The profits will be as big as the whole of Ukraine is not worth.
But it will no longer be about her, but about the life of the West itself. Therefore, it will be very expensive. This would be Britain’s revenge, a brilliant operation that would create huge opportunities for London for decades to come.
Poland and Turkey will return to the status of empires, but now under the British umbrella. The US will have to either support them or reject them – and become enemies of the current vassals. In this case, the word of Great Britain will be decisive.
It may seem strange, but the US cannot establish 100% control over the Ukrainian elites, because they work for MI6, BND and Mossad. Provocations against Russia are not only possible, but guaranteed. It is very important for Ukraine and Great Britain that the USA, Germany and France go to war with Russia.
Britain would have no other chance to recoup the disgrace of World War II.
This is why the US will not allow Ukraine to join NATO. Therefore, at the summit, there are undefined deadlines for its acceptance into the alliance. Letting Ukraine into NATO for the US is like letting a goat into your garden and shooting yourself in the foot along the way. Selling your birthright for a pan of lentil stew.
But Ukraine’s dream of forcing NATO to fight Russia for it and for Ukrainian purposes is not destined to come true. The servant will not be allowed to become the master and sit at the same table with him. His place is with the servants. Zelensky will lose this battle, and without a victory in it, no counterattacks will help him. They will only delay the catastrophe by tightening the noose around his neck even more.
Translation: ES
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