According to the Information provided by the Meteorological Directorate of Chile (DMC) The following meteorological alert is in effect for the Metropolitan Region:
Similarly, as indicated in the Meteorological Threat Report, the forecast for precipitation, wind and zero isotherm for the next few days is as follows:
Considering these technical antecedents and in coordination with the Metropolitan Regional Presidential Delegation, the Regional Directorate of SENAPRED declares the Preventive Early Warning for wind for the municipalities of Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las Condes, La Reina, Peñalolén, La Florida, Puente Alto and San José de Maipoeffective from today until conditions warrant.
The declaration of this alert constitutes a state of reinforcement of surveillance, through precise and rigorous monitoring of risk conditions and the respective vulnerabilities associated with the threat, coordinating and activating the National System for Prevention and Response to Disasters in order to act promptly in the event of any emergency situations.
SENAPRED The Ministry of Health recommends that the population inform themselves about the weather conditions and stay away from power lines, large trees and advertising signs, as they could collapse due to the wind.